The Man Who Laughs (Dodo Press) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Victor-Marie Hugo (1802-1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights campaigner, and perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. In France, Hugo's literary reputation rests primarily on his poetic and dramatic output and only secondarily on his novels. Among many volumes of poetry, Les Contemplations and La Lgende des Sicles stand particularly high in critical esteem, and Hugo is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet. In the Englishspeaking world his best-known works are often the novels Les Misrables and Notre-Dame de Paris (translated into English as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) (1899). Though extremely conservative in his youth, Hugo moved to the political left as the decades passed; he became a passionate supporter of republicanism, and his work touches upon most of the political and social issues and artistic trends of his time. He is buried in the Panthon. Amongst his other works are: Napoleon the Little (1852), The Man Who Laughs (1869), The History of a Crime (1877), Poems (1888) and The Memoirs of Victor Hugo.
格温普兰 和 蒂 一个面容被毁 和 一个盲人 两个人在艰难岁月中成长,相爱 又被残酷的现实世界抛弃 雨果的文字,充满了苦难和悲伤,读起来让人忧郁不已 仿佛,心都在哭泣 有时又会为他们仅有的一点温馨而感动,而喜悦
評分《笑面人》是以十七世纪末十八世纪初的英国宫廷为背景,猛烈抨击了即将土崩瓦解的西方封建社会。一个法国人拿英国的历史写小说,而且写得这么完美,实在非大家不能为也。当然,这和雨果的流亡经历不无关系,他曾流亡到英属小岛上近20年(?)。 小说中有很多影射现...
評分美丽而又灿烂的笑容是每个人所追求的,然而,若是有一天,当笑容只是脸上的一张面具,无法改变,难以摘下,它还能展示你此刻的愉悦吗?它还能表达你心中的幸福吗?它还能成为你追求的目标吗? 这样的笑容只能成为悲哀的化身,用最为形象、最为生动、最为具体、最为传神的画笔...
評分《笑面人》是雨果于1869年写就的一部长篇小说,在本书中雨果用浓墨重彩的笔调塑造人物、架构情节,煌煌铺陈了一部以笑面人为中心的十八世纪初英国社会图景。在阅读过程中,作者在人物塑造和情节架构方面的匠心独运更让我产生了一些理解和思考。 在书中主要人物的形象塑造上,呈...
評分《笑面人》是雨果晚期的一部巨著,其社会背景根植于17世纪末的英国。书中有着真实的历史架构,仿佛令人置身于那个黑暗的年代。当时的大英帝国还不是今天那个具有高文明程度的发达国家,那片土地上到处充斥着饥饿、贫穷、压迫,那是无孔不入的寒冷,和阳光下遮蔽一切的黑暗。 当...
The Man Who Laughs (Dodo Press) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025