图书标签: 社会学 帝国学 中國民族誌
The Imperial Metaphor pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A basic fact of Chinese social life and history is the institution of territorial cults and their festivals. They are highpoints of social life. They portray and punctuate a sense of life and death and present a whole picture of Chinese political relations as seen at their popular roots. The images of demons and ghosts and those of protectors against them which festivals and their temples display, are an organisation of Chinese local identification and provide an insight into everyday life and belief in China. It has come to be expected that religions can be named like identities of nations and cultures, or at least knowable doctrines, but Chinese popular religion has no name. It is not a religion of a book, nor is it the named religion of China - Daoism. The popular religion includes some elements of both Buddhism and the imperial cults, more of Daoism, but it is identifiable with none of them.
It is a religion of the common people, but not 'of the people' in the sense of a national population's mass culture. It is popular in the sense of being local and true of the China of the Han, or Chinese-speaking people, where every place had or has its local cults and the festivals peculiar to them. The custom of local festivals and temples is not as well known as that of ancestor worship and clan and lineage, but Stephan Feuchtwang shows that it is as distinctive an institution. The Imperial Metaphor will be of great interest to anthropologists, historians, students of religious studies, and Chinese and China Studies, as well as the general reader.
王斯福(Stephan Feuchtwang)现为伦敦经济学院(LSE)人类学系兼职教授。研究领域包括人类学理论与中国民间宗教、各文明之比较研究与历史人类学。最近的出版物包括有其作为主编的论文集《制造地点:国家计划、全球化与中国的地方反应》(Making Place: State projects, globalisation and local responses in China, UCL Press 2004)、与王铭铭合写的著作《基层卡理斯玛:中国的四种地方领袖》(Grassroots Charisma: Four local leaders in China, Routledge 2001),另外,还有最近发表在《皇家人类学刊》上的论文“论作为顺从与过度交流的宗教仪式”('On religious ritual as deference and excessive communication' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 2007 vol 13 no 1 pp 57-72)。曾经担任过英国中国研究学会会长(1999—2002),1996年至今为《人类学批判》(Critique of Anthropology)杂志主编之一,并在中国多所大学有过演讲,包括北京大学、中国农业大学、中央民族大学等。
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The Imperial Metaphor pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025