圖書標籤: paulsmith 設計 英國老頭兒 原版 Design 英國 makers Fashion
Paul Smith pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Unlike any other fashion designer at work today, Paul Smith has managed to combine a flair for eccentric, subversive detail, a dedication to the highest standards of craftmanship, and a business and marketing sense that has made him simply the most successful designer in British history. But this publication is not a fashion monograph; it is not a catalogue of suits. Rather, imagine Paul Smith's brain on a page: cleverly original and often humorous thoughts and ideas, perfectly executed, not just on the back of a man or a woman, but in shop windows, in advertising campaigns, in toys, photographs, and souvenirs brought back from travels throughout the world that became the inspiration for the look of a season. Words and images crash together in striking contrast to reveal the passions and amusements of a designer committed to both modesty in his pursuits and stunning innovation. Designed by Alan Aboud, Art Director for Paul Smith for more than a decade, and with a slipcase designed by Jonathan Ive (famed designer of the iMac), this publication will bring together observations, images, and, in its own unique design and production, all of the extraordinary qualities possessed by Paul Smith himself.
"Paul Smith's designs seem to emanate from some extraordinary and encyclopaedic awareness of the intensely codified nature of 'Britishness.' ...There is a species of poetry at work here, the equivalent of the literary awareness of the weight of the absent word. It is at once subtle and very strong, this quality, and to it I attribute the fact that many of my favorite garments, of the past twenty years, were designed by Paul Smith." William Gibson, from the Introduction
Introduction by William Gibson. Designed by Alan Aboud, Jonathan Ive and Michael Hodgson. Texts by Paul Smith, Richard Williams and James Flint. Interview by Richard Wentworth and Hans Ulrich Obrist. Illustrations by Glen Baxter, Paul Slater, and Mich Brownfield.
500 color.
10 x 8.25 in.
Paul Smith不但是英國最成功的設計師,獲頒爵士頭銜的他,更沒有停止他季復一季的創作。在Paul Smith獨到的慧眼下,帶有英國學生氣息的服裝風格,讓女裝呈現帶有男孩子般的風雅,即便是60年代的復古風情,Paul Smith亦未照本宣科的抄襲,反而像當年的Beatles樂團一樣,無論是Mod或嬉皮裝扮,皆展現新世代的性格。
PAUL SMITH,可說是英國代錶性品牌之一,講究英式傳統的細膩縫製技巧,融入富現代感的設計風格,注重穿著剪裁上的實用性,適時的將幽默與智慧結閤於設計之中,在材質與色彩的選擇上更是彆齣新裁,令人驚艷。因此,整體形象感是典雅氣度的紳士風範卻釋放齣現代摩登的時尚氛圍,拿捏的比例的確讓人拍案叫絕,也因此頗獲世界各地的好評,在日本,更是完全瘋狂,爭相購買。
圖書館, paul smith 真是太棒瞭!
評分一股悶騷的精緻gay味兒....穿起來很蓄意,就好像ps的袖扣都能調戲瘦身襯衣,皮夾也能玩弄長風衣一樣..無法簡單定義的英國範兒,每一件都是看似隨性、實際卻深思熟慮的設計..嬉皮紳士的定義,fred perry不夠野..大嘴猴太幼齡,drykorn過於正經,BenSherman找不到靈魂,Tommy太俗,diesel是牛仔,energie和replay主掌街頭,D&G、AJ、LV一群不屑多顧:切割成一塊塊的小主流上,除瞭VW教母以外,其餘皆是PS的天下瞭..太成氣候瞭.這是gay紳士的勝利=。=
評分一股悶騷的精緻gay味兒....穿起來很蓄意,就好像ps的袖扣都能調戲瘦身襯衣,皮夾也能玩弄長風衣一樣..無法簡單定義的英國範兒,每一件都是看似隨性、實際卻深思熟慮的設計..嬉皮紳士的定義,fred perry不夠野..大嘴猴太幼齡,drykorn過於正經,BenSherman找不到靈魂,Tommy太俗,diesel是牛仔,energie和replay主掌街頭,D&G、AJ、LV一群不屑多顧:切割成一塊塊的小主流上,除瞭VW教母以外,其餘皆是PS的天下瞭..太成氣候瞭.這是gay紳士的勝利=。=
評分一股悶騷的精緻gay味兒....穿起來很蓄意,就好像ps的袖扣都能調戲瘦身襯衣,皮夾也能玩弄長風衣一樣..無法簡單定義的英國範兒,每一件都是看似隨性、實際卻深思熟慮的設計..嬉皮紳士的定義,fred perry不夠野..大嘴猴太幼齡,drykorn過於正經,BenSherman找不到靈魂,Tommy太俗,diesel是牛仔,energie和replay主掌街頭,D&G、AJ、LV一群不屑多顧:切割成一塊塊的小主流上,除瞭VW教母以外,其餘皆是PS的天下瞭..太成氣候瞭.這是gay紳士的勝利=。=
評分圖書館, paul smith 真是太棒瞭!
Paul Smith pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025