圖書標籤: 心靈成長 英文原版 心理學 LouiseHay 自我完善 靈修 成長 哲思
You Can Heal Your Life pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.
Louise L. Hay grew up in an unstable and poverty-stricken household. After years of abuse, Hay ran away from her Southern California home and ended up in New York City. There she met and married a wealthy businessman and began a career as a model. When her marriage ended 14 years later, Hay began the long journey toward healing her childhood woes.
In 1970, Hay attended a meeting at the Church of Religious Science and began training in the ministerial program. She soon found herself counseling clients. Through her work as a Science of Mind minister, Hay compiled a reference guide detailing the mental causes of physical ailments and positive thought-provoking ways to cure them. The compilation, entitled Heal Your Body, is also known as "The Little Blue Book."
After moving back to her native Southern California in 1980, Hay wrote and published the book You Can Heal Your Life. A guide to changing thinking to maintain a better life, the book reached the New York Times bestseller list, remained there for 12 consecutive weeks, and sold more than 3 million copies in 30 countries throughout the world. Other Hay books, including Empowering Women and Life! Reflections on Your Journey, have been translated into 23 languages.
Hay founded Hay House, Inc., in 1984. Beginning as a small venture in the living room of her home, it became an internationally successful corporation which has sold more than 10 million books and tapes since its inception. Some of the authors represented by Hay House include Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Barbara De Angelis, and Stuart Wilde.
Hay is also the author of the monthly column "Dear Louise," which appears in more than 50 publications worldwide.
評分三年前是五星,三年後就不知道瞭╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
評分關於身體那部分我看不下去. 但我學到瞭一招, 當我對自己說一些不好的語言時,我試著摸著心髒說,如果說不齣來的話,我就知道我心裏不是這麼想的.
我并没有很信任这本书,这几年的阅读经历让我成为了一个对文字非常挑剔的人,而这本书和那些大众心灵励志的书在语言风格上并没什么区别。但又是好朋友推荐的。所以我在读它的时候,一边默然承纳我看到的话语,一边质疑。 有一些话我会记下来,虽然这些话我很多次听过,也很多次...
評分不知道有多少人和我一样?一直受到各种消极思想的困扰,比如自卑、敏感、悲观、内向,并且轻度自闭,在人多的场合局促不安!甚至一直觉得自己是一个失败者,并且永远都是。老是独自躲在角落里自怨自艾,计划要做很多事情,却总是半途而废,不能坚持下去? 如果你也是这样,或...
評分刚刚过去的2017年是个不算太平的年头,且不说国外接二连三的恐怖袭击案,单说震惊国人的杭州保姆纵火案、江歌刘鑫案、三原色虐童事件等,足以令人震惊而愤怒。 其实人生在世,总会遇到形形色色的坎坷不平,当遇到困境难以摆脱时,当自责、悔恨、内疚占据整个身心时,有人选择...
評分看书就像吃饭一样,刚刚吃下去都是不能消化,要过一段时间才能消化吸收——这本书也不例外。 第一次看时,觉得这本书太浅显了,而且有心理暗示和调整认知的意思,比如说改变信念,重复良好的信念等等。 后来终于渐渐明白了其中的奥妙,每次看都有新的收获。 生命怎样重建?重...
You Can Heal Your Life pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025