图书标签: 罗马 历史 History 英文 罗马,历史,History,英文,历史 的 电子版 开卷八分钟
Rubicon pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In 49 B.C., the seven hundred fifth year since the founding of Rome, Julius Caesar crossed a small border river called the Rubicon and plunged Rome into cataclysmic civil war. Tom Holland’s enthralling account tells the story of Caesar’s generation, witness to the twilight of the Republic and its bloody transformation into an empire. From Cicero, Spartacus, and Brutus, to Cleopatra, Virgil, and Augustus, here are some of the most legendary figures in history brought thrillingly to life. Combining verve and freshness with scrupulous scholarship, Rubicon is not only an engrossing history of this pivotal era but a uniquely resonant portrait of a great civilization in all its extremes of self-sacrifice and rivalry, decadence and catastrophe, intrigue, war, and world-shaking ambition.
汤姆·霍兰(Tom Holland)英国畅销历史作家,尤其擅长古典历史文学写作。他曾就读于剑桥大学,取得了英语、拉丁语两科一等荣誉学位。
The fruits of too much liberty is slavery.
评分A very detailed investigation into the last century of the Roman republic, answering the big questions of "how" and "why" it fell through a vivid narrative, which, in my opinion, succeeded triumphantly. The institution of the republic was rivaled first and disrupted later by unchecked personal ambition, but it's not the only story to be told.
评分看完了!The Fruit of too much liberty is slavery! [哇哇大哭】唯一的安慰是貌似内战连连才是罗马共和国的死亡宣言。。。劳苦大众选择和平时期的奴役因为自由的内乱太苦了//Imperium 看完觉得不过瘾,转而来读 Rubicon, 开篇就让人眼睛一亮喜欢!虽然只看到7%。。。兴趣盎然!
评分A very detailed investigation into the last century of the Roman republic, answering the big questions of "how" and "why" it fell through a vivid narrative, which, in my opinion, succeeded triumphantly. The institution of the republic was rivaled first and disrupted later by unchecked personal ambition, but it's not the only story to be told.
评分A very detailed investigation into the last century of the Roman republic, answering the big questions of "how" and "why" it fell through a vivid narrative, which, in my opinion, succeeded triumphantly. The institution of the republic was rivaled first and disrupted later by unchecked personal ambition, but it's not the only story to be told.
看完这本二百多页的书只用了三天。 --------- 小溪缓缓流淌。涓涓溪流边,男孩疲惫地挥出了鱼竿,茫然地注视着远方。忽然,背后传来了马蹄声。男孩困惑地回过头来,发现无数士兵排着长长的队列向这边走来。为首的是个表情冷峻骑着白马的男人,他挺着胸膛,注视着南方。他们从男...
评分把电视中少掉的历史背景基本补上了,不断有恍然大悟之感。 很多描述也不相同,比如电视剧里西塞罗基本是个小丑,书里的形象要高大很多。看剧的时候也疑惑,要是西塞罗这个做派,那民主党怎么会把克里比做他? 更多的收获不是和电视比较,而是把古罗马和今天的美国比。无论是国...
评分谁能想到,他是从苏拉渡过卢比孔河开始讲呢。 以至于,这本书的主角似乎是庞培。 那个古硬币上三层下巴的死胖子。在那个时候,刚发现自己是个壮硕的人。他意气风发,把继承来的遗产换成军队,加入苏拉的政治投机。他被称为“少年屠夫”,有少年得志的人才有的轻浮的笑脸。他见...
评分2019 book No.25 《卢比孔河》 公元前49年,凯撒率领着他的19军团,在卢比孔河北岸踌躇不前,他很清楚带领军队越过这条河流南下就意味着叛国…… 在高卢的九年,凯撒用超群的军事才华,和永不放弃的罗马人精神,击退了一次又一次野蛮人的起义,“保卫”了罗马的安宁,他也值得...
Rubicon pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025