圖書標籤: 英文原版 JamesJoyce 原版 英國文學 小說 外國文學 非常棒 藏書
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"Don't you think there is a certain resemblance between the mystery of the Mass and what I am trying to do?...To give people some kind of intellectual pleasure or spiritual enjoyment by converting the bread of everyday life into something that has a permanent artistic life of its own." - James Joyce, in a letter to his brother. With these fifteen stories, James Joyce reinvented the art of fiction, using a scrupulous, deadpan realism to convey truths that were at once blasphemous and sacramental. Whether writing about the death of a fallen priest ("The Sisters"), the petty sexual and fiscal machinations of "Two Gallants," or of the Christmas party at which an uprooted intellectual discovers just how little he really knows about his wife ("The Dead"), Joyce takes narrative places it had never been before.
詹姆斯·喬伊斯(James Joyce,1882—1941),愛爾蘭作傢、詩人。1882年2月2日齣生於都柏林,1941年1月13日卒於瑞士蘇黎世。他是意識流文學的開山鼻祖,其長篇小說《尤利西斯》成為意識流文學的代錶作,是二十世紀最偉大的小說之一。他一生顛沛流離,輾轉於的裏雅斯特、羅馬、巴黎等地,多以教授英語和為報刊撰稿糊口,又飽受眼疾摺磨,到晚年幾乎完全失明。但他對文學矢誌不渝,勤奮寫作,終成一代巨匠。
J. Joyce
評分我。。。。。。。。。。。。T T 我一年的血淚史啊!!!!
評分寫於22歲。喬伊斯客觀敏銳透徹 Maybe early marriages could have such sober and calm attitudes in general (similarly 王小波)
評分寫於22歲。喬伊斯客觀敏銳透徹 Maybe early marriages could have such sober and calm attitudes in general (similarly 王小波)
評分published after ten years , ti is the destiny of all works
“The Dead” What I have done and left undone hardly mattered. Success is unimportant and failure amounts to nothing. Life is insignificant and death of little consequence. ------------- William Somerset Maugham ...
評分这一篇评论对意象的分析实在很透彻: 关键词:内心顿悟 象征 成长 艺术创作 摘 要:短篇小说《偶遇》源于作者乔伊斯少年时代逃学去冒险的经历,展现了少年从幻想到幻灭,从自豪于拥有书本知识到认识到书本与现实差距的心理历程。本文揭示了这一历程所遭遇的关于社会和自...
評分In literature, a symbol is a thing that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention or accidental resemblance, especially a visible sign of something invisible. [1] Sometimes, symbols are created by the artists...
評分喬伊斯的作品,號稱是現代主義的經典。他最為人津津樂道的寫作技 法是所謂的「靈光乍現」(epiphany)。這種手法在小說中一再重複出現,變成了一個喬式的商標。喬伊斯在《史蒂芬英雄》一書中,給這個文學表現方式下了一個定義:「所謂靈光乍現是指一種突然的性靈顯現,不論...
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