圖書標籤: C++ programming C/C++ 編程 規範 計算機 程序設計 軟件開發
C++ Coding Standards pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Consistent, high-quality coding standards improve software quality, reduce time-to-market, promote teamwork, eliminate time wasted on inconsequential matters, and simplify maintenance. Now, two of the world's most respected C++ experts distill the rich collective experience of the global C++ community into a set of coding standards that every developer and development team can understand and use as a basis for their own coding standards. The authors cover virtually every facet of C++ programming: design and coding style, functions, operators, class design, inheritance, construction/destruction, copying, assignment, namespaces, modules, templates, genericity, exceptions, STL containers and algorithms, and more. Each standard is described concisely, with practical examples. From type definition to error handling, this book presents C++ best practices, including some that have only recently been identified and standardized-techniques you may not know even if you've used C++ for years. Along the way, you'll find answers to questions like * What's worth standardizing--and what isn't? * What are the best ways to code for scalability?* What are the elements of a rational error handling policy? * How (and why) do you avoid unnecessary initialization, cyclic, and definitional dependencies?* When (and how) should you use static and dynamic polymorphism together?* How do you practice "safe" overriding?* When should you provide a no-fail swap? * Why and how should you prevent exceptions from propagating across module boundaries?* Why shouldn't you write namespace declarations or directives in a header file?* Why should you use STL vector and string instead of arrays?* How do you choose the right STL search or sort algorithm?* What rules should you follow to ensure type-safe code? Whether you're working alone or with others, C++ Coding Standards will help you write cleaner code--and write it faster, with fewer hassles and less frustration.
Herb Sutter,ISO C++標準委員會主席,C++ Users Journal雜誌特邀編輯和專欄作傢;他目前在微軟公司領導NET環境下C++浯言擴展的設計工作除本書外.他還撰寫瞭三本廣受贊譽的圖書:Exceptional C++ Style、Exceptional C++和More Exceptional C++。 .
Andrei Alexandrescu,世界頂級的C++專傢.“C++ Users Journal雜誌的專欄作傢,他的Modem C++ Design—書曾榮獲2001年最佳C++圖朽稱號.書中所開發的Loki已經成為最負盛名的C++程序庫之一。
遵從KISS原則:Correct is better than fast.Simple is better than complex. Clear is better than cute. Safe is better than insurance.還有一些design principle 比如single responsibility,least surprise,open/close balabala 一邊寫一邊悟吧。。
評分描述C++ 代碼標準規範,好久之前看過的,不過現在對於裏麵內容有些模糊瞭……但是對於C++代碼風格倒是接觸很多,已熟悉多數風格,心中已有自己的好壞標準(當然是建立在公認良好標準基礎之上啦)。其實,認真研習標準庫或優秀的開源庫代碼如STL,Boost,Loki,ATL等,在學習其中的程序設計方法同時培養個人的良好代碼風格。 http://huangjunkun.blogspot.com/2012/06/blog-post_14.html
引用pongba的话:C++中众多的细节虽然在库设计者手里面有其用武之地,但普通程序员则根本无需过多关注,尤其是没有实际动机的。 关注编码实践准则才是真正需要花时间掌握的东西!
評分温故而知新,重新复习一些C++的知识,有一段时间,出现了非常多关于C++编程规范类型的书籍。这些类型的书籍,很大部分内容是相同的,个人比较喜欢看《C++编程规范》,100条,条款来自《Effective C++》、《More Effective C++》、《Effective STL》、《Exceptional C++》、《Mo...
評分其实我想看个实践,别人的方法。 副标题叫Best Practices,但是Practice很少。 这本书的内容都缺少实践,站着说话不腰疼,对于我这样的菜鸟感觉是这样的。 比如这条,比如有个巨类: CHugeClass { function0(); function1(); function2(); function3(); .... f...
評分名字起的很有吸引力,其实内容很多章节讲的东西,都是<<effective c++>>里面的,我不知道原版书的文采怎么样?所以我不好妄加评论,但这本中文版的译者的翻译水平,我真的不敢苟同,翻译的僵硬,晦涩,缺乏灵活性,估计就是逐字翻译的,唉,浪费了我几十块钱,买了一本多余的书!
評分其实我想看个实践,别人的方法。 副标题叫Best Practices,但是Practice很少。 这本书的内容都缺少实践,站着说话不腰疼,对于我这样的菜鸟感觉是这样的。 比如这条,比如有个巨类: CHugeClass { function0(); function1(); function2(); function3(); .... f...
C++ Coding Standards pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025