图书标签: agile 软件工程 敏捷开发 计算机 敏捷软件开发 编程 development software
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Written by a software developer for software developers, this book is a unique collection of the latest software development methods. The author includes OOD, UML, Design Patterns, Agile and XP methods with a detailed description of a complete software design for reusable programs in C++ and Java. Using a practical, problem-solving approach, it shows how to develop an object-oriented application--from the early stages of analysis, through the low-level design and into the implementation. Walks readers through the designer's thoughts -- showing the errors, blind alleys, and creative insights that occur throughout the software design process. The book covers: Statics and Dynamics; Principles of Class Design; Complexity Management; Principles of Package Design; Analysis and Design; Patterns and Paradigm Crossings. Explains the principles of OOD, one by one, and then demonstrates them with numerous examples, completely worked-through designs, and case studies. Covers traps, pitfalls, and work arounds in the application of C++ and OOD and then shows how Agile methods can be used. Discusses the methods for designing and developing big software in detail.Features a three-chapter, in-depth, single case study of a building security system. For Software Engineers, Programmers, and Analysts who want to understand how to design object oriented software with state of the art methods.
评分已经不做开发了,所以只看了第一部分敏捷实践原则。这段写的很概括,没有太多的在敏捷的方法论上扩展,作为引子引出后面的章节还是很不错的。 敏捷作为过程膨胀反思的产物,关注的重点是人而非流程,这本书里面谈及的很多原则,实践都值得定期回顾。 尽早交付价值,欢迎改变,频繁交付,激励并支持团队,可持续的开发进度,关注技能和设计,让设计简单,面对面交谈,定期反省。 最喜欢的一句是'一个指明了需求,进度以及项目成本的合同存在根本性的缺陷'
敏捷软件开发提倡测试先行,设计适应要求,迭代式渐进开发。 一、通过用例来确认需求,分析软件行为:针对用例中的事物对象建立合理的类结构;分析用例中类似情形的变化因素,尽量用抽象来统一一类变化,由此建立系统的大致静态结构。在此不需要、也很难确定好系统的最终结构...
评分敏捷软件开发提倡测试先行,设计适应要求,迭代式渐进开发。 一、通过用例来确认需求,分析软件行为:针对用例中的事物对象建立合理的类结构;分析用例中类似情形的变化因素,尽量用抽象来统一一类变化,由此建立系统的大致静态结构。在此不需要、也很难确定好系统的最终结构...
评分帮助理解设计原则,例子不错,比很多设计模式的书好理解很多,有例子代码对比,容易理解为何这样设计,解决知其然而不知其所以然的问题。 计划多读几遍,充分理解变成自己的习惯。10多年前打印过,一直未认真读,很遗憾啊。觉得国内软件水平落后10年啊,发现最近几年开源流行,...
评分介绍面向对象设计原则、设计模式、包原则等方面的内容写的非常好,挺容易理解的。比其他类型的书讲的更透。后面介绍项目的就非常晦涩难懂了。也不知道是作者说的不清楚还是翻译的问题,亦或者是我水平的问题,反正看的非常焦躁。有些话感觉是个人都看不懂。 介绍面向对象设计原...
评分Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025