图书标签: 个人管理 心理学 成长 英文原版 管理 积极心理学 心理 自我优势
Now, Discover Your Strengths pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. Instead, guided by our parents, by our teachers, by our managers, and by psychology's fascination with pathology, we become experts in our weaknesses and spend our lives trying to repair these flaws, while our strengths lie dormant and neglected. Marcus Buckingham, coauthor of the national bestseller First, Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program to help readers identify their talents, build them into strengths, and enjoy consistent, near-perfect performance. At the heart of the book is the Internet-based StrengthsFinder® Profile, the product of a 25-year, multimillion-dollar effort to identify the most prevalent human strengths. The program introduces 34 dominant "themes" with thousands of possible combinations, and reveals how they can best be translated into personal and career success. In developing this program, Gallup has conducted psychological profiles with more than two million individuals to help readers learn how to focus and perfect these themes. So how does it work? This book contains a unique identification number that allows you access to the StrengthsFinder Profile on the Internet. This Web-based interview analyzes your instinctive reactions and immediately presents you with your five most powerful signature themes. Once you know which of the 34 themes -- such as Achiever, Activator, Empathy, Futuristic, or Strategic -- you lead with, the book will show you how to leverage them for powerful results at three levels: for your own development, for your success as a manager, and for the success of your organization. With accessible and profound insights on how to turn talents into strengths, and with the immediate on-line feedback of StrengthsFinder at its core, Now, Discover Your Strengths is one of the most groundbreaking and useful business books ever written.
马库斯·白金汉(Marcus Bukingham)是盖洛普公司高级副总裁,与人合著《首先,打破一切常规》。他是华盛顿演讲局的特约演讲人,在诸多电视节目当过嘉宾,包括CNN的“国际展望”、CNBC的“名人午餐”和NPR的“清晨版”。
唐纳德·克利夫顿(Donale O.Clifton)是盖洛普公司前董事长,现任盖洛普国际研究和教育中心主任。他是优势识别器测试的主设计人。
Discover what you're good at, and amplify them, overcome your weakness, manage them. Always look at your strengths, positive thinking!
评分Prof. Cooper 第一阶段课程的教材!经典好书!
评分Prof. Cooper 第一阶段课程的教材!经典好书!
孙子兵法说:“知己知彼,百战不殆。知彼不知己,一胜一负”-- 或许就是因为我长了这么大还不大清楚自己的优势是什么,所以基本上还没有体验过什么叫做“百战不殆”呢。 对我而言,拥有“自知之明”看上去是一件很困难的事情(尤其在“了解自己的优势”方面,我更是有雾里望月...
评分不到一天的时间用零散的时间翻看了这两本书:现在发现你的优势,首先,打破一切常规。发现你的优势这本书名更贴切,“打破一切常规”实际上是说以优势理论为基础的组织管理。 这两本书看完之后,有助于你内心的平静:原来,每个人都有自己独特的优势(不是说说骗人的,而是测...
评分毕业之后,工作稳定又轻松,但工作内容既不喜欢也不擅长,所以时常觉得无聊和郁闷。想改变,却又看不清以后的方向。正是眼下这处境让我毫不犹豫的买了这本书。 自始至终,本书都在强调:每个人都拥有与众不同且经久不变的才干;而每个人最大的成长空间就在其最强的优势领域。前...
评分这是一本让你充分认识和了解自己的书!!! 我的才干是,和谐,体谅,排难,搜集,责任 此次特别分析了一下责任这个才干,因为给我带来的烦恼如此之多,也欢迎有责任的筒子能跟俺交流一下 关于责任 答应别人的事一定会做到,如果做不到也会尽力弥补或想其他途径办到。觉...
评分有些人问我,people manager应该怎么做,我理想的manager应该是什么样子。通常我会回答,需要了解底下的人的需求,帮助每个人快乐的工作。但是读完这本书后,发现自己的理解还不够深,也欠缺很多。 我最近看了一篇关于阿里巴巴新CEO陆兆禧的文章,触动蛮多,其中有...
Now, Discover Your Strengths pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025