图书标签: 匈牙利 小说 Márai_Sándor 英语 爱情 文艺 马洛伊·山多尔 英文
Embers pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
As traditions scatter on the winds of change and nations shift beneath our feet, the quintessential crisis of modernity is one of definition. Modernity, however, is not a single moment in time so much as every moment in time. In this way, Sandor Marai's lost novels from the first part of the 20th Century are prescient today as they were then. With the glittering age of the Austro-Hungarian Empire long past, two old men meet for a single, vital, and final survey of their lives, filled with love and friendship, but also loss and betrayal. Embers is a slim novel, a single claustrophobic dialogue in an isolated forest estate, but it ranges all across the world and the human experience over the course of a single night. Marai is a master of prose on par with or exceeding his peers Kafka, Hesse, and Mann. His style is brisk, fresh, and dazzlingly vivid. His mastery of the unsaid infuses the book with a sense of mystery and dark drama. With clarity and emotional force, Embers transcends its own generation and cuts to the core of what is modern life.
他出生于奥匈帝国的贵族家庭,然而一生困顿颠沛,流亡四十一年,客死异乡。他是二十世纪匈牙利文坛巨匠,一生笔耕不辍,著有五十六部作品,死后被追赠匈牙利文学最高荣誉“科舒特奖”。他亦是二十世纪历史的记录者、省思者和孤独的斗士。他的一生追求自由、公义,坚 持独立、高尚的精神人格。
一开始看是因为这本书的名字很吸引我,看着看着发现远远不仅仅是一个三角恋的故事,意想不到的发人深省,全片几乎是一个人的独白,却紧紧地抓着读者的心。embers 有好几种含义,但文末第一次出现ember的这个词并且描写它的段落是神来之笔。
评分Love can’t be calculated or intellectualized. The questions were refused because they should never have been asked in the first place. The act of asking already signifies the questioner’s unworthiness.
评分Love can’t be calculated or intellectualized. The questions were refused because they should never have been asked in the first place. The act of asking already signifies the questioner’s unworthiness.
读这一本《烛烬》,用了一个晚上。 翻开这本书之后就完全被这种语言吸引了,明明知道是一个非常简单的故事和情节,但是这些文字却好像有磁力一样吸引着我去读。 语言的第一个特点是大量形容词的叠加和大量的细节描述,但是这些词汇却丝毫不会让人觉得负累,因为在这些细...
评分谁能到时间中避难? 赵松 小说《烛烬》成为马洛伊·山多尔最受欢迎之作是必然的。它抵达了诗的纯度。在这部语言密度大、叙事空间结构精密、旨在探测不同精神取向者之间深层精神与道德矛盾的现代小说杰作中,旧时代终结,旧世界瓦解,无论是终生执著骑士精神的将军,还是始终追...
评分读这一本《烛烬》,用了一个晚上。 翻开这本书之后就完全被这种语言吸引了,明明知道是一个非常简单的故事和情节,但是这些文字却好像有磁力一样吸引着我去读。 语言的第一个特点是大量形容词的叠加和大量的细节描述,但是这些词汇却丝毫不会让人觉得负累,因为在这些细...
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