圖書標籤: 管理 傑剋韋爾奇 傳記 領導力 英文原版 管理學 人物傳記 winning
Winning pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe, in multiple markets, against brutal competition. His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork, and profits. Since Welch retired in 2001 as chairman and chief executive officer of GE, he has traveled the world, speaking to more than 250,000 people and answering their questions on dozens of wide-ranging topics. Inspired by his audiences and their hunger for straightforward guidance, Welch has written both a philosophical and pragmatic book, which is destined to become the bible of business for generations to come. It clearly lays out the answers to the most difficult questions people face both on and off the job. Welch's objective is to speak to people at every level of an organization, in companies large and small. His audience is everyone from line workers to MBAs, from project managers to senior executives. His goal is to help everyone who has a passion for success. Welch begins Winning with an introductory section called "Underneath It All," which describes his business philosophy. He explores the importance of values, candor, differentiation, and voice and dignity for all. The core of Winning is devoted to the real "stuff" of work. This main part of the book is split into three sections. The first looks inside the company, from leadership to picking winners to making change happen. The second section looks outside, at the competition, with chapters on strategy, mergers, and Six Sigma, to name just three. The next section of the book is about managing your career—from finding the right job to achieving work-life balance. Welch's optimistic, no excuses, get-it-done mind-set is riveting. Packed with personal anecdotes and written in Jack's distinctive no b.s. voice, Winning offers deep insights, original thinking, and solutions to nuts-and-bolts problems that will change the way people think about work.
評分必須五星力薦的一本書。反反復復看瞭很多遍,管理的智慧其實更是一種經驗的智慧。推薦給那些熱愛商業工作、渴望把事情做到最好的職業人。必須贊一下warren buffett對此書的評點:“no other management book will ever be needed."
正所谓:大道至简。杰克·韦尔奇的《赢》是一本轻松的管理学读物,同时也蕴含了他执掌GE公司几十年来的丰富经验。 越是纷繁复杂的现实环境,就越需要简约有效的理论进行高层的指导决策。简约而不简单,这句曾经流行的广告语在这里也适用。 也只有简单的理论,才能够从基层处...
評分Winning UNDERNEATH IT ALL hot air 空话 all-purpose 全能 give me a break 给我一个突破 pissed off 生气的 single-spaced 隔行 mentality 心态 due in no small part to 归功于以 Armani 时装 of no context 无背景 product reviews 产品审查 off-site conclav...
評分书中讲的道理倒是浅显易懂,对于刚接触企业管理的新经理人来说,也许可以当作一本不错的入门读物,但对我而言,似乎更适合作为年终总结的一个checklist,以致于由刚开始的细读变成了一目十行的快读。如果要作摘要,我想这本书完全可以浓缩到10页之内。 管理其实无需复杂的理论...
評分翻得幾乎不能讀,以下為個人發揮式的摘記總結,也說說“贏” 上面一個“亡”字:包涵了對死的恐懼,對失業的危機感,crisis management,deal heat and other deadly sins in merging and acquisition;work-life balance;只有恐懼能讓人勇敢; (YOUR CAREER, you can only l...
評分三年前,被要求读。还被要求写读后感。 今天,再次因为work&life的激烈冲突而困惑的时候,重读当年的心路。 ************************************************** 很多年以前,----每次这样说的时候都觉得自己好像饱经沧桑一样,嗬嗬,但是事实的确如此,那是很多年以前,刚刚...
Winning pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025