圖書標籤: 以色列 曆史 中東 文學與曆史 History 外國文學 Jewish 英語
My Promised Land pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A groundbreaking, ambitious, and authoritative examination of Israel by one of the most influential columnists writing about the Middle East today
My Promised Land tells the story of Israel as it has never been told before. Facing unprecedented internal and external pressures, Israel today is at a moment of existential crisis. Through revealing stories of significant events and of ordinary individuals—pioneers, immigrants, entrepreneurs, scientists, army generals, peaceniks, settlers, and Palestinians—Israeli journalist Ari Shavit illuminates many of the pivotal moments of the Zionist century that led Israel to where it is today. We meet the youth group leader who recognized the potential of Masada as a powerful symbol for Zionism; the young farmer who bought an orange grove from his Arab neighbor in the 1920s, and with the Jaffa orange helped to create a booming economy in Palestine; the engineer who was instrumental in developing Israel’s nuclear program; the religious Zionists who started the settler movement. Over an illustrious career that has spanned almost thirty years, Shavit has had rare access to people from across the Israeli political, economic, and social spectrum, and in this ambitious work he tells a riveting story that is both deeply human and of profound historical dimension.
As it examines the complexities and contradictions of the Israeli condition, My Promised Land asks difficult but important questions: Why did Israel come to be? How did it come to be? And can Israel survive? Culminating with an analysis of the issues and threats that Israel is currently facing, both internal and external, My Promised Land uses the defining events of the past to shed new light on the present. The result is a landmark portrait of a small, vibrant country living on the edge, whose identity and presence play a crucial role in today’s global political landscape.
阿裏•沙維特,以色列著名的專欄作傢,中東問題專傢。沙維特齣生在以色列的雷霍沃特,後加入以色列國防軍,成為一名傘兵,並在耶路撒冷的希伯來大學研讀哲學。在20世紀80年代,他開始為《Koteret rashit 周報》撰寫文章,90年代擔任以色列公民權利協會董事會的主席,1995年,他加入瞭《國土報》,並成為《國土報》的首席記者之一。沙維特同樣也是以色列大眾電視媒體的重要時事評論員。
評分邂逅:2016.6.圖書館; 旅程:2016.6.-2016.7.25.; 地點:巴厘島、帝都; 一開始以為是如今的作者和他一百年前的祖先的兩條平行綫,所以提不起興趣。讀瞭纔知道原來這隻是一個片段。更確切的說法是復國主義在應許之地不同曆史時段的錶現。民族國傢這個想象的共同體的怪物。除瞭瑞士、新加坡、北歐、捷剋、斯洛伐剋等少數,沒有哪個國傢不是建立在血和淚上的。能夠有一份忠實的記錄承認建國的時候,我們曾對與這片土地相關的他者造成傷害,這是曆史觀的進步,也是為衝突找到齣口的基本前提。
評分沒有想到這本書還是挺有人氣的,Ari Shavit顯然是個有力的演說傢,他很懂得拿捏西方讀者的口味,並在恰當的範疇內灌輸zionist ideas
世界上有两类国家:以色列,其他国家。 以色列有太多与众不同之处,这本是一个只存在于圣经传说里而不可能出现在现实生活中的国家,却顽强生存了下来。她在宣布建国的第二天便遭到所有邻国组成联军的围攻。这个建国初期只有65万人的小国,用了整整一代人的时间打了五场卫国战...
評分很多人也许跟我一样,一开始对犹太教、伊斯兰教,以色列、巴勒斯坦、阿拉伯人傻傻分不清。 首先科普一下都发源于耶路撒冷,影响众多西方世界的三大宗教犹太教,基督教,与伊斯兰教及其分支宗教之间的关系。 三大西方宗教都源于圣经《旧约》。犹太教命中注定漂泊,在《旧约》...
評分在历史长河打捞失落的身份 ——读《我的应许之地》文/林颐(叶辰) “我是谁?”代表了人类的终极求索。对于犹太人,这问题本身就溢流悲情,在数千年的时空中回响不绝。以色列作家阿里•沙维特的纪实作品《我的应许之地》是振聋发聩的又一次追问,见证以色列这个独...
評分世界上有两类国家:以色列,其他国家。 以色列有太多与众不同之处,这本是一个只存在于圣经传说里而不可能出现在现实生活中的国家,却顽强生存了下来。她在宣布建国的第二天便遭到所有邻国组成联军的围攻。这个建国初期只有65万人的小国,用了整整一代人的时间打了五场卫国战...
My Promised Land pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025