图书标签: 写作 小说 文学理论 文学评论 James_Wood 文学 推荐 开智写作课
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In the tradition of E. M. Forster's Aspects of the Novel and Milan Kundera's The Art of the Novel, How Fiction Works is a scintillating and searching study of the main elements of fiction, such as narrative, detail, characterization, dialogue, realism, and style. In his first full-length book of criticism, one of the most prominent critics of our time takes the machinery of story-telling apart to ask a series of fundamental questions: What do we mean when we say we 'know' a fictional character? What constitutes a 'telling' detail? When is a metaphor successful? Is realism realistic? Why do most endings of novels disappoint? Wood ranges widely, from Homer to Beatrix Potter, from the Bible to John Le Carre, and his book is both a study of the techniques of fiction-making and an alternative history of the novel. Playful and profound, it incisively sums up two decades of bold, often controversial, and now classic critical work, and will be enlightening to writers, readers, and anyone interested in what happens on the page.
詹姆斯•伍德(James Wood,1965— ),英国著名文学评论家、作家,现任哈佛大学文学批评实践教授和《纽约客》专栏作家。
作者用輕快的筆調解釋小說的元素,引用的例子有經典也有現代,可算是延伸了Henry James 的the art of fiction。分析細緻到一個詞,不讀英文版可能會理解困難。提到福樓拜時,說法語的優勢,可惜不懂法語。讀後覺得要讀的書(特別是精讀)太多了!
评分拿起来就放不下来。短小,精致,观察力惊人。文风亲切平易不学院派卖弄,偶尔一点小幽默。最美妙的是内容,从free indirect style切入,到福楼拜的并置细节和浪荡儿的‘i am a camera’,到 gratuitous detail所营造出的生活感,到用transparencies/opacities来革新福斯特的扁形人物/圆形人物,到意识流的发展,人物由稳定到变化;最隔的部分是语言一节,因为不是英文母语所以很多语言的细微美妙之处无法体会,即使人家指出来了并解释了好像也无法完全理解(叹气,但放到中文小说中则太多切身经验)最后例行批判genre和商业现实主义,立场还是传统的严肃现实主义小说最棒。但重审美轻意识形态批评和抓细节的方法太喜欢。
评分★★★★★ 真的好好。当storytelling在方方面面,say,决定着无间道和反无间道的结果,在universality as conspiracy的现实中,文学的重要性就愈发突显。James Wood的论述绝不是最严密的,但在叙事上这反而其实不重要,因为他的洞悉之穿透力是惊人的,它可以把思考钉住,你为之绊脚,甚至于被打动,它那么接近真相,就好像真的有像这颗铁钉一般确切存在的真相似的。
If the book has a larger argument, it is that fiction is both artifice and verisimilitude, and that there is nothing difficult in holding together these two possibilities. 细节: Free indirect speech见于细节之中:认真辨别是谁在说话 Free indirect style is a...
评分细节被着意选中 作家无处不在又无影无踪,并表现出无动于衷的样子,以此引起读者惊奇。 细节被抹平为同步发生的样子 细节重要又无关紧要,它像生活一样扑面而来。 时间上的不可能:短期的事件被扔进长期的事件中,好像它们本来共处一处(或者同一时间内发生两件完全不一样的事...
评分詹姆斯•伍德延续了二十世纪的批评传统,更注重文本内部研究,从小说叙述、细节、人物、意识、同情和复杂、语言、对话几个要素着手,不遗余力地分析叙述者、作者、读者的关系。 无疑,詹姆斯有一对小说的金耳朵,他可以听见小说中如同柔软的啤酒沫的部分上涌时向四周绵延的声...
评分看书的时候想起以前看过一个大河剧,叫《葵三代》。 《葵三代》开头,石田三成和德川在关原决战,结果三成败北,被德川的手下抓起来。原本位极人臣,如今却落得个游街示众。最后一天游完街回来,隔天就要被浸猪笼了,三成和几个差役坐在简陋的亭下休息。虽然是败军之将,差役们...
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