图书标签: 沈艾娣 社会史 海外中国研究 民族主义 英文原版 清史 民族国家 民国史
China pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Both Western historians and Chinese nationalists have argued that from early times China had the features of a nation state: a common language, culture, and bureaucracy. This argument is important not only because it affects our understanding of how nations are constructed but also because Chinese nationalism is today a vital ingredient in both the domestic politics of the People's Republic of China and the international relations of East Asia.
This book argues that China as it exists today was invented through the construction of a modern state. It describes the attitudes of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Chinese towards identity and ethnicity and how these interacted with the structure of the state. It then describes the development of a new culture as part of the efforts to build a modern nation state that could resist the Western imperial powers. Finally it describes how, during the course of the twentieth century, this new culture tied to modern nationalism has been spread from the cities into rural China. The book argues that China has not been an exception to the process of the invention of nations. Instead, its differences arise from the complexities of the relationship between nationalism and imperialism. Moreover, the role of imperialism was not limited to Western empires: the Manchu Qing empire played quite as significant a role in the construction of the modern Chinese nation state as did imported European ideologies.
本书应该定位通识读物,但从通史角度看,整体感很强,以natianalism为线索,探索中国近代与当代诸多问题的文化动力。出版稍晚于《塑造共和国民》,本书5-8节基本采用前者理路,其余章节则在此基础上向前和向后做延伸。作者认为国族主义在不同历史阶段和不同利益群体间的不同质性:时间上看,清朝基于culturalism的多元统治遭到汉人革命派nationalism的冲击,后者在20年代后逐渐政治化,并先后被nationalist party和communist party继承;而在空间上,民族主义不仅汉藏疆关系上产生冲突,民(族)国(家)纽带松绑后,在汉族民族内部也体现出transnational和local的不同,提到中国国族主义是在双重帝国主义(清、英)影响下形成。虽然论证有限,但是发人深思。
评分本书应该定位通识读物,但从通史角度看,整体感很强,以natianalism为线索,探索中国近代与当代诸多问题的文化动力。出版稍晚于《塑造共和国民》,本书5-8节基本采用前者理路,其余章节则在此基础上向前和向后做延伸。作者认为国族主义在不同历史阶段和不同利益群体间的不同质性:时间上看,清朝基于culturalism的多元统治遭到汉人革命派nationalism的冲击,后者在20年代后逐渐政治化,并先后被nationalist party和communist party继承;而在空间上,民族主义不仅汉藏疆关系上产生冲突,民(族)国(家)纽带松绑后,在汉族民族内部也体现出transnational和local的不同,提到中国国族主义是在双重帝国主义(清、英)影响下形成。虽然论证有限,但是发人深思。
评分一部从民族国家角度出发的中国近代史,虽然沈艾娣此书写于十多年前,但至今仍有参考价值,或许最重要的就在于她指出了近代中国民族主义的真正起源乃是“帝国遗绪”:The process of interaction between modern state-building and the creation of a national culture is similar to that through which other nations have been invented; China’s peculiarity lies in the role played by the structures of empires in the creation of the modern nation.
评分本书应该定位通识读物,但从通史角度看,整体感很强,以natianalism为线索,探索中国近代与当代诸多问题的文化动力。出版稍晚于《塑造共和国民》,本书5-8节基本采用前者理路,其余章节则在此基础上向前和向后做延伸。作者认为国族主义在不同历史阶段和不同利益群体间的不同质性:时间上看,清朝基于culturalism的多元统治遭到汉人革命派nationalism的冲击,后者在20年代后逐渐政治化,并先后被nationalist party和communist party继承;而在空间上,民族主义不仅汉藏疆关系上产生冲突,民(族)国(家)纽带松绑后,在汉族民族内部也体现出transnational和local的不同,提到中国国族主义是在双重帝国主义(清、英)影响下形成。虽然论证有限,但是发人深思。
China pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025