图书标签: 安·兰德 外国文学 自由主义 建筑 哲学 英文原版 纸质 小说
The Fountainhead pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Fountainhead has become an enduring piece of literature, more popular now than when published in 1943. On the surface, it is a story of one man, Howard Roark, and his struggles as an architect in the face of a successful rival, Peter Keating, and a newspaper columnist, Ellsworth Toohey. But the book addresses a number of universal themes: the strength of the individual, the tug between good and evil, the threat of fascism. The confrontation of those themes, along with the amazing stroke of Rand's writing, combine to give this book its enduring influence.
Fought against half of the book and had my soul taken by the other half 读本砖头耗完一礼拜…
评分Ayn Rand is my opium
评分Fought against half of the book and had my soul taken by the other half 读本砖头耗完一礼拜…
评分Fought against half of the book and had my soul taken by the other half 读本砖头耗完一礼拜…
评分还有一百来页没看... 沉不下去了... 要把它看完也需要强大的精神力量,算是一项壮举.... 作为一个典型的Keating,字里行间都被批判,压力实在很大 ... // From 伊夜
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: oz.riot! Date: 2005-12-16 下午2:13 Subject: Fw: daily quote<2005-12-16> To: bornvagabond.*******@spaces.msn.com *第645-649页,托黑最终,向吉丁表白了自己的心迹: “统治你,统治全世界的人。唯一的问题...
评分 评分外网上看的。一直觉得非常有趣。后附本人渣翻 How Ayn Rand ruined my childhood BY ALYSSA BEREZNAK My parents split up when I was 4. My father, a lawyer, wrote the divorce papers himself and included one specific rule: My mother was forbidden to raise my brothe...
评分一 你永远无法伪装成一个天才,除非你本来就是。 但你仍可以无限接近伟大。 安兰德,这个美国二十世纪的偶像,一个被印在海报、T恤、餐盒上的人,一个俄罗斯人,一个右翼作家,一个哲学家,同时居然还是一个女人。 安兰德怀着非凡的勇气和像火车头一样执拗的力量不顾一切地在...
评分在今天,一本700页的书有些令人恐惧,有人把安.兰德这本《源泉》 定位为励志小说,我怀疑万念俱灰的人是否还有力气读完这本书。我认为这本书绝非励志小说那么简单,它渗透着哲理,但是没有说教之感,我读这本“砖头”一样的书的感觉是很爽,但是很少有激动的想要甩开膀子...
The Fountainhead pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025