图书标签: 美国 传记
Dewey the Library Cat pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In the tradition of Marley: A Dog Like No Other , this is the story of a cat who was more than a pet, and the amazing effect he had on the people around him. This middle-grade adaptation of the Grand Central bestseller Dewey features an 8-page photo insert, including exclusive, never-before-seen photos of the Dew!
Now everyone's favorite library cat can inspire a new audience of young readers with his story of courage and love. Abandoned in a library book drop slot in the dead of winter, this remarkable kitten miraculously endured the coldest night of the year. Dewey Readmore Books, as he became known, quickly embraced his home inside Spencer's public library, charming the struggling small town's library-goers, young and old. As word of Dewey's winning tail, or rather his tale, spread, the library cat gained worldwide fame as a symbol of hope and proof positive that one small cat could change a town, one reader at a time.
very touching!
评分very touching!
评分very touching!
评分very touching!
评分very touching!
上一周的地铁上,睡觉前看的书是《小猫杜威》。用豆瓣上的语气来说“看见封面和书名,我就待见它”。那只猫咪的眼神是那么吸引我,我想,这绝对错不了。 在那个小镇的图书馆,有这样一只神奇的猫。你难以想象,它是如此有灵性,它懂得人们的冷暖所需,做你忠实的倾听者,抚慰...
评分先说个小故事吧,年初曾很频繁地到愚园路一家小店淘碟。店里养了一小两大三只猫。每每都会有人进来摸摸它们,给它们点小食。偶一抬头,常会发现那只小黄猫趴在碟上愣愣地看着你,眼神温暖,没有乞求,没有私心,只是那样看着你。 读《小猫杜威》的时候,怎么也忘不了那只眼神温...
评分在合上书,和杜威告别的时刻,电视里正传来这样的对话: ——如果不是因为贫穷,我也不会到炸鸡店工作,比较起在外为了工作打拼,我好像更适合待在家里做家 事,照顾孩子和丈夫。我没有办法忍受一个人的生活。爸爸,我觉得我真的是一个很没用的人。 ——怎么能说你是没用...
评分一只猫,一段人生 范典/文 这本由薇奇·麦仑撰写的《小猫杜威》好几次以其挚诚的情感打动我,以一只图书馆收养的小猫的故事上升至对家庭、生命、人生、整个小镇及全人类的审视,确实不同凡响。书的畅销和改编成影视作品,正印证它的内容已不局限于一只猫短短19年的生命,如果...
评分并不是很多人有如下这般经历:在疲惫不堪的工作后、瑟瑟冬夜里,或是难挨的精神苦痛时,身旁总有一位这样的朋友默默地支持着你——它不会说话,但懂得倾听;它有生命,但没有人类的阴郁狡诈。若是你有过或正拥有这样一位朋友,你是幸运的。 是的,我说的是一只猫,它正躺...
Dewey the Library Cat pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025