The Ship of Fools pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Than shall the lorde perceyue the great disceyte Of his wastfull seruauntes and theyr fals abusion But his perceyuynge than is all to late So it apereth that great collusion Comyth vnto many, and extreme confusion By vntrue seruauntes as Cokes and butlers And by all other housholde offycers. I thynke it shame to wryte in this my boke The great disceyte gyle and vnclenlynes Of any scolyon, or any bawdy Coke His lorde abusynge by his vnthryftynes Some for the nonys theyr meat lewdly dres. Gyuynge it a tast to swet to salt or stronge Bycause the seruauntes wolde eat it them amonge This company, and bende vngracious Ar with no pety mouyd, nor yet care They wast: and ete theyr mayster out of hous Deuourynge his good, tyll he be pore and bare And with what meates so euer the lorde shall fare If it be in the kechyne or it come to the hall The coke and scolyon must taste it first of all In euery dysshe these caytyfs haue theyr handes Gapynge as it were dogges for a bone Whan nature is content fewe of them vnderstandes. In so moche that as I trowe, of them is none That dye for age: but by glotony echone But suche folys were nat theyr hasty lokes To my folysshe shyp sholde chosen be for Cokes Thenuoy Of Barclay. In this shyp myght I compryse or comprehende Seruauntis of euery craft and facultye Whiche in lewde ryot theyr maysters goodes spende Bryngynge them therby to carefull pouertye But as for this tyme they shall passe by for me Syns by theyr maysters folysshe neglygeuce They haue occasion so ryotous to be By great cause gyuen of inconuenyence. But to you seruauntis I tourne my pen agayne Exortynge you to your maysters to be true And nat thus to spende and wast his good in vayne And so to harde nede therby hym to subdue Lewde felawsh...
The Ship of Fools pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025