图书标签: 英国 小说 历史小说 英国文学 历史 BookerPrize 布克奖 外国文学
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Winner of the Man Booker Prize 2009 'Lock Cromwell in a deep dungeon in the morning,' says Thomas More, 'and when you come back that night he'll be sitting on a plush cushion eating larks' tongues, and all the gaolers will owe him money.' England, the 1520s. Henry VIII is on the throne, but has no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged with securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this atmosphere of distrust and need comes Thomas Cromwell, first as Wolsey's clerk, and later his successor. Cromwell is a wholly original man: the son of a brutal blacksmith, a political genius, a briber, a charmer, a bully, a man with a delicate and deadly expertise in manipulating people and events. Ruthless in pursuit of his own interests, he is as ambitious in his wider politics as he is for himself. His reforming agenda is carried out in the grip of a self-interested parliament and a king who fluctuates between romantic passions and murderous rages. From one of our finest living writers, 'Wolf Hall' is that very rare thing: a truly great English novel, one that explores the intersection of individual psychology and wider politics. With a vast array of characters, and richly overflowing with incident, it peels back history to show us Tudor England as a half-made society, moulding itself with great passion, suffering and courage.
Hilary Mantel is one of our most important living writers. She is the author of eleven books, including A Place of Greater Safety, Giving Up the Ghost, and, most recently, Beyond Black, which was shortlisted for the 2006 Orange Prize.
都不记得自己是什么时候买的这本书,看了1/3,搬来搬去时找不到它,又抓起有声书听。有时早上化妆时听Cromwell家的女孩子们讨论Lady Anne的着装和宫里流行的时尚,听Cromwell对Mary Boleyn克制而暗藏深意的描写,历史好像映照现实,女为悦己者容,由此感到深深无奈,似乎是无法摆脱的困境。这段历史,配合Plantagenet,看过不少影视改编和不同作者的历史描述,Hilary Mantel的语言有时让我想起Tolstoy,虽是写实却让人觉得充满理想主义情怀。明明点到即止,却很容易就能visualize整个场景。再戏剧化的情节,几个精准的短句迅速带过,旖旎从风,又暗潮涌动。
评分Thomas Cromwell,也被使用不同语言的人称作Tomos,Tommaso和Thomaes,Putney的铁匠之子,出生日期不详。他的肖像看起来像杀人犯,有人以为他是威尔士人、爱尔兰人、犹太人、巫师。他的邻居,神圣罗马帝国的大使说他是语言大师,但早年生活成谜。他是个爬到了顶端的幸运儿。故事从Wolsey的倒台开始,庞然大物都不会安静地走开,余音绕梁了很久。Cromwell不是个冷血的人,他只是很practical,不浪费多余的话,不暴露多余的情感。天使一样的Grace死去的时候,他会看起来悲痛多久呢?对Lady Carey算是一种暧昧么?对Wolf Hall的Jane呢?是男人还是父亲的眼光?从Cromwell的角度看出去,一切大概都是"words, just words"的感觉吧。
评分英文有声书。超级长,24个小时。书可能会给三颗半星,但是朗读要给五颗星!开始听的是大表哥读的那版,觉得怪怪的,后来发现是缩减版;后来找到Simon Slater的全版,觉得读得真是好啊,口音和声音都好好听!而且读的Cromwell和Ben Miles演的口音和语气都很像。。。
评分都铎王朝解密 李若庸(国立台北大学历史学系副教授) 本文为台版导读 如果要读者票选一位印象最为深刻的英国国王,那么都铎君主大概抡元无疑了:从结束「玫瑰战争」的亨利七世、娶了六次妻子的亨利八世、化身「乞丐王子」的爱德华六世、登基九日便踏上行刑台的珍.格雷,到「...
评分公元1500年,15岁的少年在被无法无天残暴凶恶的父亲一顿血淋淋地暴打之后,他决定离家出走。年少的他,除了年轻,别无优势。 公元1527年,42岁的他,已是红衣主教托马斯·沃尔西身边的亲信和法律顾问,没有人知道他从15岁到42岁中,这个叫托马斯·克伦威尔的人曾经经历了什么...
评分奔赴狼厅 文:周思芸 作者为《狼厅》台版出版方天下文化文学人生主编 「这个国家,有狼吗?」 「森林遭到砍伐之后,狼已经死绝。你听到的嚎叫声,不是狼,而是伦敦人。」 ——《狼厅》P.409 《狼厅》是天下文化今年度最重要的文学大书,它在2009年开始席卷欧美书市,...
Wolf Hall pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025