The Gadfly pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The GadflyBy E. L. VoynichThe Gadfly is a novel by Irish writer Ethel Voynich, published in 1897, set in 1840s Italy under the dominance of Austria, a time of tumultuous revolt and uprisings. The story centres on the life of the protagonist, Arthur Burton, as a member of the Youth movement, and his antagonist, Padre Montanelli. A thread of a tragic relationship between Arthur and his love Gemma simultaneously runs through the story. It is a story of faith, disillusionment, revolution, romance, and heroism.Arthur Burton, an English Catholic, travels to Italy to study to be a priest. He discovers radical ideas, renounces Catholicism and leaves Italy. While away he suffers great hardship, but returns with renewed revolutionary fervour. He becomes a journalist, expounding radical ideas in brilliant satirical tracts published under the pseudonym "the gadfly". The local authorities are soon dedicated to capturing him. Gemma, his lover, and Padre Montanelli, his Priest, show various forms of love via their tragic relations with the focal character of Arthur: religious, romantic, and family. The story compares these emotions to those Arthur experiences as a revolutionary, particularly drawing on the relationship between religious and revolutionary feelings. This is especially explicit at the climax of the book, where sacred descriptions intertwine with reflections on the Gadfly's fate. It is debatable to what extent an allegorical comparison can be drawn between the Gadfly and Jesus.
艾捷尔·丽莲·伏尼契(Ethel Lilian Voynich 1864-1960)
1864年生于爱尔兰科克市。原姓蒲尔,父亲乔治·蒲尔是个数学家。她早年丧父,随母由爱尔兰迁居伦敦。1882年,她得到亲友的一笔遗赠,只身前往德国求学;1885年毕业于柏林音乐学院; 其间还曾在柏林大学听讲斯拉夫学课程。1887年蒲尔学成归国,在伦敦结识了流亡在此的各国革命者。其中俄国民粹派作家克拉甫钦斯基(笔名为斯吉普涅雅克)对她影响最大。在他的鼓励下,她曾前往俄国旅游了两年,和彼得堡的革命团体有过联系。
和刘小枫一样,我从来也不觉得牛虻是一本革命小说,所以每每有人把它和那本炼钢的扯在一起,我都觉得挺搞笑。 第一次看这本书,是初中一次期中考试前夜。那时候有考前晚上必看漫画的古怪习惯,好像这样就会考得比较好似的。不巧机器猫借出去了,就顺手抓了这本来看。结果被深...
评分“你最爱的人是谁,实际上并不是我。” 门已经关上了,他知道无可挽回,那个加利利人再一次胜利了。亚瑟倒在狱中的草席上。 红色的地毯撒满玫瑰花瓣,唱诗班走的井然有序,蒙太里尼也在其间。所有的玫瑰花瓣在他的眼中都变成了亚瑟的血,一滴一滴,喂养着那贪婪的唇。他知...
评分 评分《牛虻》 长篇小说。作者:【爱尔兰】艾捷尔•丽莲•伏尼契 李俍民译 1958年中国青年出版社出版 1 喜欢《牛虻》,是因为喜欢这部长篇小说的主人公牛虻。自从上初中时读了《牛虻》,牛虻就刻在我的心里了。在我成长的那个崇拜高、大、全式英雄的时代,牛虻...
评分每个男孩子心中都有一个自己的英雄,他是他们的偶像,打架的信心,被揍的隐忍,痛苦的勇气,眼泪的死敌,父亲的代替,当然也是装逼耍帅时心口的一股骄傲和热气。 现在回想起来,对我,却是一个女性的开头:妈妈介绍《牛虻》给我看,最后加了一句感叹:琼玛与亚瑟的爱情呀~~ ...
The Gadfly pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025