图书标签: 小说 Denis_Johnson 青春期综合症 被安利的书 英文原版 英文 美国 surrealism
Jesus' Son pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
An intense collection of interconnected stories that portray life through the eyes of a young man in a small Iowa town, by the author of Already Dead: A California Gothic, Angels and Resuscitation of a Hanged Man.
Denis Johnson (born 1949 in Munich, West Germany) is an American writer who has written numerous novels, short stories and poems.
Emergency更恶搞~In "Dirty Wedding," the man cannot accept the fact that his girlfriend gets pregnant in his age of 27 and he also said, his girlfriend was dead in his age of 25. Okay, are you kidding me? That's the essense of Drug Literature...= =.......
评分Magnificent, concise and poetic writing! It features normal people who have slipped down notch or two into the gutter and lost their grip on normality. Bleak but beautiful.
评分something's shimmering there in those short sentences
评分something's shimmering there in those short sentences
上帝不愿人类永远沉沦下去,派独子耶稣受难,以惊醒世人,救赎有罪者。 随着时间推移,耶稣发现替人承罪的“疗效”越来越差,决定让迷途羔羊自己渡劫(不好意思,借用一下道教词语)。 《耶稣之子》的主人公,正是一群处在劫数(不好意思,借用一下佛教和印度教的时间单位)中...
评分1. 《耶稣之子》是丹尼斯·约翰逊的短篇小说集,以混乱的叙述风格描述了一群瘾君子的思想生活状态,被视为美国“肮脏现实主义”文学的代表作之一。 作者丹尼斯•约翰逊,美国作家,以短篇小说集《耶稣之子》和荣获美国国家图书奖的长篇小说《烟树》蜚声文坛。他也创作戏剧、...
评分1 斯蒂芬似懂非懂感动感动感动dgaC的感动撒更多是广东东莞德国大使馆阿迪噶说道导师工读生三等功倒萨是个颠三倒四官方第三方的说法打发第三方是爱上 1 2323232342424224243太3俄国人刚刚打工打工 隔热 让国人给个
评分丹尼斯·约翰逊《耶稣之子》(集)。阅读上有些困难,高度集约、跳跃的的诗化叙述,几乎只有精神状态,找不到完整故事。但是清晰的撕开给我们看:每个民族的孩子都有精神空虚的时刻。 丹尼斯·约翰逊《耶稣之子》(集)。阅读上有些困难,高度集约、跳跃的的诗化叙述,几乎只...
评分时有一些精彩的描写。诗人一样准确的词语和比喻。“带个人色彩的物品让他显得如鱼得水”(《两个男人》)。“她大概有四十岁,有种凉冰冰、水汪汪的美感”(《工作》)。等。 但多数篇章也常有片段没有压住,“我二十五六,反正差不多就是这个年纪。指甲因为抽烟而泛黄“(《肮...
Jesus' Son pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025