圖書標籤: 曆史 德國 軍火 軍事史 英文原版 英文 經濟 普魯士-德國
The Arms of Krupp pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
For the first time in Trade Paperback the massive, compelling book in which William Manchester brings to life Europe's richest, most powerful family, a 400-year dynasty that armed Germany in three major wars. Their cannon won the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. In 1871 they invented the first anti-aircraft gun to shoot down observation balloons. In WWI their mammoth weapons shelled Paris at a range of 81 miles. For 40 years they manufactured submarines, beginning with the U-1 that menaced Allied shipping. In 1940 their cannon actually shelled England from across the channel. The Krupps armed the forces of the Kaiser and financed Hitler's 'Terror Election' of 1933. Hitler honoured their loyalty by decreeing special tax exemptions that continued to bind a post-war West Germany. The Krupps even survived a Nuremberg conviction to become the dynamo behind the 'Common Market'.
威廉•曼徹斯特(William Manchester)(1922—2004),美國著名史學傢、作傢。在五十多年的寫作生涯中,一共寫瞭18本書,其中有記述歐洲中世紀和美國20世紀中期的通俗曆史作品,傳記作品包括H.L.門肯、道格拉斯•麥剋阿瑟將軍、洛剋菲勒傢族等傳記,還有4本小說以及一本二戰迴憶錄。代錶作有《光榮與夢想——1932~1972年美國社會實錄》《總統之死》《最後的雄獅》《再見,黑暗》等
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評分 評分内容五星,翻译两星。我一般不会对译文说三道四,除非其到了正常人忍耐的极限。此书是我看过的继天雷滚滚的《兴登堡自传》之后的又一本垃圾。抛去满页的英语句式不提,令人摸不清东西的语句几乎每页都出现。例子懒得举了,不信可以看看59页开头,望脑筋急转弯高手为我指点一下...
The Arms of Krupp pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025