图书标签: 网络 计算机科学 TCP/IP 计算机 y software
TCP/IP Illustrated pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Now, for the first time, all three volumes of W. Richard Stevens' classic TCP/IP Illustrated books have been brought together, at one special price. These books have become legends for their clear explanations, well-designed figures, and real-world demonstrations of TCP/IP in action, using actual data collected from real diagnostic programs. This new package also includes an exclusive data structures poster -- and the handsome slipcase makes it an ideal gift for networking professionals, students, and graduates. Volume 1 presents an in-depth introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite, including the link layer, IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP, Ping, Traceroute, IP routing, dynamic routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF, UDP, broadcasting, multicasting, DNS, BOOTP, SNMP, FTP, NFS, and more. Volume 2 focuses on the implementation of TCP/IP protocols, teaching by example through 500 illustrations and 15,000 lines of real, working code. Volume 3 focuses on four crucial TCP/IP programming topics: T/TCP (TCP for Transactions); HTTP; NNTP; and the UNIX domain protocols.
W.Richard Stevens,国际知名的UNIX和网络专家,备受赞誉的技术作家。他1951年2月5日出生于赞比亚,后随父母回到美国。中学时就读于弗吉尼亚菲什伯恩军事学校,1973年获得密歇根大学航空和航天工程学士学位。1975年至1982年,他在亚利桑那州图森市的基特峰国家天文台从事计算机编程工作,业余时间喜爱飞行运动,做过兼职飞行教练。这期间他分别在1978年和1982年获得亚利桑那大学系统工程硕士和博士学位。此后他去康涅狄格州纽黑文的健康系统国际公司任主管计算机服务的副总裁。1990年他回到图森,从事专业技术写作和咨询工作。写下了多种经典的传世之作,包括《TCP/IP详解》(三卷)、《UNlX环境高级编程》和《UNI×网络编程》(两卷)。Stevens于1999年9月1日去世,年仅48岁。2000年他被国际权威机构USENIX追授“终身成就奖”。
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评分2nd edition: A datagram is a special type of packet in which all the identifying information of the source and the final destination resides inside the packet itself (instead of the packet switches). 1st edition: A datagram is a unit of information (i.e., ...
评分Stevens is my God! TCP/IP 3卷不知道被多少人珍藏, 我所认识的做通信的人基本上是人手一套。一直以来对计算机网络认识不够,感觉看书没有什么作用!确实,没有实践,只能是纸上谈兵。 Wireshark这款软件,或多或少把网络的神秘面纱揭开一点,会给你带来前所未有的困...
TCP/IP Illustrated pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025