圖書標籤: 英文原版 小說 worldLiterature Jules_Verne Sci-Fi Fiction 藏書 科幻
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Book Description
Professor Aronnax, his faithful servant, Conseil, and the Canadian harpooner, Ned Land, begin an extremely hazardous voyage to rid the seas of a little-known and terrifying sea monster. However, the "monster" turns out to be a giant submarine, commanded by Captain Nemo.
From School Library Journal
Gr 4-8-Performed in radio theatre style, this audio version is a fine retelling of the Jules Verne classic. The St. Charles Players, composed of four actors, play a variety of roles with hammy gusto, although the dialogue is a bit rushed in the opening sections. This adaptation by Jeff Rack does a good job of capturing the feel of Verne's sprawling epic tale. The story is told by Professor Aronnax, who agrees to investigate a series of attacks by a mysterious sea monster. He joins the crew of the ship Abraham Lincoln. The men encounter what they believe is the monster, but turns out to be a large, state-of-the-art submarine, the Nautilus. Aronnax and a hot tempered harpoonist, Ned Land, are imprisoned on this vessel, captained by the misanthropic recluse, Nemo. Nemo takes them around the world. Verne's descriptions of the underwater world, with its exotic creatures and sunken ships, shine thanks to clear narration and evocative sound effects. As the journey continues, becoming monotonous, the program's midsection sags a bit. It picks up steam again with sequences involving a monstrous octopus and a storm. While not an essential purchase, this is an impressive attempt to adapt a classic.
Brian E. Wilson, Oak Lawn Public Library, IL
From AudioFile
The music is grand, uplifting, and often epic, especially in undersea and open ocean scenes. An organ is used effectively for the interior of the submarine, and one can almost see Captain Nemo caressing the keys. This is a full-cast recording of Verne's classic. The narrating professor is cleverly articulated with a slight foreign edge to his English. The harpooner is snappily portrayed, and Captain Nemo's voice is adamant and slightly sinister, as the character requires. Only the professor's servant is unconvincing--too young, to this reviewer's taste. Still, this is a vivid reminder of Jules Verne's narrative grandeur. D.R.W.
About Author
Roy Richardson lives in White Plains, New York. Rod Whigham lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6
評分各種 名詞不認識,暈乎乎的,從一個地方到瞭另一個地反,然後又到瞭另一個地方,就記得有次遇到食人族瞭……
《海底两万里》这部书是凡尔纳三部曲中最具科幻魔力的,小时候我也读过此书,但是通过假期对这本书的重读,我对这个作品有了更加深刻的认识。 我认为这本书是一本好书,它主要讲述的是这样一个故事:一位教授阿隆纳斯先生,一为鱼叉手尼德师傅和仆人康塞尔三人为了捕捉所谓...
評分Captain Nemo最终还是在对南极洲这个从未有人类踏足的最宽广陆地的占有欲的驱使下向自己永不跨入陆地一步的誓言低下了他高傲的头颅。 Nemo不是佛,纵然他生活在真正渺无人烟的海底世界,他依旧是个人,他遇见被鲨鱼袭击的印度人时的怀怜悯之心;他面对打扰他宁静又充满激...
評分突然发现我看的是译林的版本...之前都没发觉...先汗一个... 印象很深的是尼摩船长面对大海的眼神,当然很多是自己加上去的想象,就像荒野中一人,面对灰暗的惊涛骇浪,岿然不动,带这冷漠的眼神和冷漠的脸色。再有就是他最后在攻击的时候,那番话,那种激动,让我觉得有一种压...
評分Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025