图书标签: 艺术 绘本 漫画 图像小说 美国 GraphicNovel 欧美漫画 穿越
Here pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
Here is Richard McGuire's unique graphic novel based on the legendary 1989 comic strip of the same name. Richard McGuire's groundbreaking comic strip Here was published under Art Spiegelman's editorship at Raw in 1989. Built in six pages of interlocking panels, dated by year, it collapsed time and space to tell the story of the corner of a room - and its inhabitants - between the years 500, 957, 406, 073 BC and 2033 AD. The strip remains one of the most influential and widely discussed contributions to the medium, and it has now been developed, expanded and reimagined by the artist into this full-length, full-colour graphic novel - a must for any fan of the genre. "Personally, I think he's a genius, transforming every medium he works within into his own peculiar personal language. What he gave every reader with 'Here' was an individual and unique way of looking at life ...it was life-changing". (Chris Ware).
Richard McGuire is a regular contributor to the New Yorker magazine. He has written and illustrated both children's books and experimental comics. His work has appeared in The New York Times, McSweeney's, Le Monde and Liberation. He has written and directed two omnibus feature films, designed and manufactured his own line of toys, and is also the founder and bass player of the post-punk band Liquid Liquid.
再看还是喜欢 They would sing the names of the dead into the corn as they planted. And sing the names of the newborns at the harvest.
评分后浪居然引进了这本,引进版封面居然不给我居中对齐 ಠ_ಠ
评分超现实主义的怀旧 在非线性的空间时间里讲故事,躺下来小睡 做梦 玩耍 跳舞 系鞋带 日常对话 拍照片 换墙纸 还有几亿年前的大恐龙和未来的人类都不认识手表 钥匙 和钱包。
30亿年前 客厅诞生于一片海中。 客厅里能看见时间呈现的所有形状。这里并不仅仅是客厅。 2014年5月13日 客厅的电视屏幕上正在播放美剧《神盾局》第一季最后一集,黑化的伙伴把科学家小情侣沉至深海。这一集的标题叫“你以为这就完了吗?才刚刚开始哦!”(Beginning of the End...
评分《这里》:一个房间里的沧海桑田 (原刊作者腾讯大家专栏) 廖伟棠 “为什么在者在,同时无也无处不在?”这是我对哲人海德格尔《形而上学导论》里那个大哉问“为什么在者在,而无不在?”的文学性发挥。 回答出这个问题,甚至只是提出这个问题,也许就能稍微缓解一下漫画《这...
评分今天收到Richard McGuire的图像小说《这里》(Here),一口气看完了。看完之后我心里在想,什么叫mindblowing,这就叫mindblowing。 这本书大家如果想看的话,不要事先找里面的内容,最佳的阅读体验应该是对内页毫不了解,直接打开看。这样才能体会那种大脑瞬间爆炸的感觉。下...
评分1、《这里》是一本什么书? 我以前为欧美漫画分过类,很不严谨的分法,包括讲故事的“漫画小说”,比如《伊比库斯的预言》《遗产》,“漫画美剧”一般的《睡魔》,“漫画俳句”或是“漫画诗歌”的《散步去》。 《这里》我感觉哪一种都算不上,这本书的“梗”非常简单:画家从微...
评分刚拿到中文版的HERE,看封面我还以为是一本Edward Hopper的画集。 初翻开《这里》时的震撼,会让包括我在内的每一位读者难忘。 这样一本凑不出完整故事情节的漫画作品其实也在讲故事,只不过主人公是新泽西州的一间平凡客厅和其周边的一亩三分地。由于时间跨度特别大(数十亿年...
Here pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024