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The Outsider pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
'My mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know.' In The Outsider (1942), his classic existentialist novel, Camus explores the alienation of an individual who refuses to conform to social norms. Meursault, his anti-hero, will not lie. When his mother dies, he refuses to show his emotions simply to satisfy the expectations of others. And when he commits a random act of violence on a sun-drenched beach near Algiers, his lack of remorse compounds his guilt in the eyes of society and the law. Yet he is as much a victim as a criminal. Albert Camus' portrayal of a man confronting the absurd, and revolting against the injustice of society, depicts the paradox of man's joy in life when faced with the 'tender indifference' of the world. Sandra Smith's translation, based on close listening to a recording of Camus reading his work aloud on French radio in 1954, sensitively renders the subtleties and dream-like atmosphere of L'Étranger. Albert Camus (1913-1960), French novelist, essayist and playwright, is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. His most famous works include The Myth of Sisyphus (1942), The Plague (1947), The Just (1949), The Rebel (1951) and The Fall (1956). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, and his last novel, The First Man, unfinished at the time of his death, appeared in print for the first time in 1994, and was published in English soon after by Hamish Hamilton. Sandra Smith was born and raised in New York City and is a Fellow of Robinson College, University of Cambridge, where she teaches French Literature and Language. She has won the French American Foundation Florence Gould Foundation Translation Prize, as well as the PEN Book-of-the-Month Club Translation Prize.
Albert Camus (7 November 1913 – 4 January 1960) was a French philosopher, author, and journalist. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. He wrote in his essay The Rebel that his whole life was devoted to opposing the philosophy of nihilism while still delving deeply into individual freedom. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of 44 in 1957, the second youngest recipient in history. Camus did not consider himself to be an existentialist despite usually being classified as a follower of it, even in his lifetime. In a 1945 interview, Camus rejected any ideological associations: "No, I am not an existentialist. Sartre and I are always surprised to see our names linked." Camus was born in French Algeria to a Pied-Noir family and studied at the University of Algiers, from which he graduated in 1936. In 1949, Camus founded the Group for International Liaisons[6] to "denounce two ideologies found in both the USSR and the USA".
读完无比悲伤的小册子。说到底,这个世界的恶意和善意都是被低估的。我们就这样活在一个泥潭里,有腐臭,自然也有白莲。For the first time in many years I felt a ridiculous desire to cry, because I could sense how much all these people hated me. 这样的经历,我想谁都有过。
评分Hate me! All this hatred makes me alive.The sky is fuzzy and same as my soul.
我承认,在这篇书评落笔之前,我踌躇许久。 对一本被奉为经典的书来说,若不是读过两遍以上、反复咀嚼,这样的评论写出来都会让我很惶恐。怕因我的肤浅和主观而导致对经典的亵渎。即使我人微言轻,但也实在知道当谨慎自己所发的言语。 而且,对性格入世且积极乐观的笔者来说,...
评分只是表面冷冰冰——读《局外人》后的琐碎感想 妈妈的同事在她婆婆的葬礼上哭得异常伤心,所有在场的吊唁者都为之动容,事后人们纷纷夸赞这个儿媳妇孝顺、有良心,婆婆在天之灵应该为有这样的儿媳妇而感到高兴。而妈妈却告诉我,她的同事和婆婆的关系其实非常不好,之所以她哭...
评分 评分当人一旦静下心来,总能认真地做一些事情。比如,思考,看书,学习,写东西。 可是人的一生是有限的,学习这件事却是无限的。当我早晨醒来看了一篇豆瓣写得关于如何有效地读书的文章之后,我再一次陷入了深深地自卑当中。像已经风华绝代的贝嫂每天四点就要起床一样,李欣频曾...
评分在书店工作期间,最快乐的时候,便是与对胃口的人聊起彼此都喜欢的书的时候。 比如某天看到有姑娘在向她的朋友推荐加缪的《局外人》,边上的我憋不住接了一句:“这本书我也很喜欢。我曾经在三个月里连看了三遍,包括两个译本,仍意犹未尽,想再去看郭宏安的译本。” 那姑娘叫...
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