图书标签: 美国 设计 营销 女祭司
Brandwashed pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Foreword by Morgan Spurlock
From the bestselling author of Buyology comes a shocking insider’s look at how today’s global giants conspire to obscure the truth and manipulate our minds, all in service of persuading us to buy.
Marketing visionary Martin Lindstrom has been on the front lines of the branding wars for over twenty years. Here, he turns the spotlight on his own industry, drawing on all he has witnessed behind closed doors, exposing for the first time the full extent of the psychological tricks and traps that companies devise to win our hard-earned dollars.
Picking up from where Vance Packard's bestselling classic, The Hidden Persuaders , left off more than half-a-century ago, Lindstrom reveals:
•New findings that reveal how advertisers and marketers intentionally target children at an alarmingly young age – starting when they are still in the womb!
•Shocking results of an fMRI study which uncovered what heterosexual men really think about when they see sexually provocative advertising (hint: it isn’t their girlfriends).
•How marketers and retailers stoke the flames of public panic and capitalize on paranoia over global contagions, extreme weather events, and food contamination scares.
•The first ever neuroscientific evidence proving how addicted we all are to our iPhones and our Blackberry’s (and the shocking reality of cell phone addiction - it can be harder to shake than addictions to drugs and alcohol).
•How companies of all stripes are secretly mining our digital footprints to uncover some of the most intimate details of our private lives, then using that information to target us with ads and offers ‘perfectly tailored’ to our psychological profiles.
•How certain companies, like the maker of one popular lip balm, purposely adjust their formulas in order to make their products chemically addictive.
•What a 3-month long guerilla marketing experiment, conducted specifically for this book, tells us about the most powerful hidden persuader of them all.
•And much, much more.
This searing expose introduces a new class of tricks, techniques, and seductions – the Hidden Persuaders of the 21st century- and shows why they are more insidious and pervasive than ever.
From the Hardcover edition.
马丁·林斯特龙(Martin Lindstrom),全球首席品牌营销大师,在全球拥有百万“忠实听众”,林斯特龙公司(Lindstrom Company)CEO;担任世界多家顶级公司的顾问,包括麦当劳、宝洁、雀巢、美国运通、微软、迪斯尼等;还是《金融时报》、《今日美国》、《财富》、《华盛顿邮报》、《哈佛商业评论》等知名媒体的特约专栏作家。
说这是一本市场营销畅销书,其实不如说是市场心理学,10个方面告诉你,为什么你天天喊着剁手还是会做吃土党。 没心理学基础的就可以不看了,不然也不知道这些名词说的是什么。。。。我又懒得把这篇文章写成科普文。。毕竟这算是本不错的书,但离非读不可的好书还很遥远~~ 第...
评分翻译的好费劲,绕! 有时候一句话要看半天!不知道想表达什么。 内容还算比较新,但有些案例比较过时,没啥意义。 翻译的好费劲,绕! 有时候一句话要看半天!不知道想表达什么。 内容还算比较新,但有些案例比较过时,没啥意义。 作者的终极武器就是 功能性磁共振仪器。。。。。
评分从婴幼儿开始营销 恐惧营销 同辈的压力 买了它就能泡上妞 怀旧营销 皇家营销(造梦) 希望之瓶(健康、幸福和心灵感悟)。 这书很好,值得一看。营销销售类人员开卷必然有益,可以在未来的工作中应用书中总结的几种技巧;消费者看了也能明白自己是如何落入他人精心的设...
评分虽然有点间接,不过仔细读读,这本书确实提供了对于当代最好的营销模式的研究,尽管是从反面。翻译得一般。 p4 音乐对于胎儿记忆的产生具有非常强大的作用. p99complex adaptive systems,整体的力量要大于各个部分的总和,无法通过个体的行动来预测集体性的结果。 我们也是被...
评分在产品初期,可以通过种子用户来挖掘典型用户核心需求,同时希望以这些星星之火来扩大传播力和影响力,那么种子用户都符合条件呢? 1、产品的深度目标用户,且目前产品尚未满足其所有需求。拿医疗类产品来说,种子用户肯定是有挂号咨询需求的。 2、经常发表与产品相关的讨论,...
Brandwashed pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025