The Tin Drum pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Beginning with the unforgettable words 'Granted: I'm an inmate in a mental institution', "The Tin Drum", the narrative of thirty-year-old Oskar Matzerath, is widely acclaimed as one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century. On his third birthday Oskar resolves to stunt his own growth at three feet, and on the same day he receives his first tin drum. Wielding his drum and piercing scream as anarchic weapons, he draws forth memories from the past as well as judgements about the horrors, injustices, and eccentricities he observes through the long nightmare of the Nazi era. Oskar participates in the German post-war economic miracle - working variously in the black market, as an artist's model, in a troupe of travelling musicians - yet he remains haunted by the deaths of his parents, afflicted by his responsibility for past sins. To mark the fiftieth anniversary of publication, Harvill Secker, along with Grass' publishers all over the world, is bringing out a new translation of this classic novel. The acclaimed translator and scholar, Breon Mitchell, has drawn from many sources: from a wealth of detailed scholarship; from a wide range of newly available reference works; and from discussion with the author himself. After fifty years, "The Tin Drum" has, if anything, gained in power and relevance.
君特·格拉斯(Günter Grass,1927~2015)德意志联邦共和国作家。1927年出生于但泽市。父亲是德国商人,母亲为波兰人。1944年,尚未成年的格拉斯被征入伍。1945年负伤住院。战争结束时落入美军战俘营。战后曾从事过各种职业,先当农业工人,学习过石雕和造型艺术, 后成为职业作家、雕刻家和版画家。他是“四七”社成员,政治上支持社会民主党,主张改良。在1970年社会民主党上台执政时,曾积极投入支持勃兰特竞选的活动。他的政治态度和作品中过多的色情内容曾在国内外引起过不少批评。
土豆给了我棕色的头发 ——《铁皮鼓》的神话寓言 时值诺贝尔文学奖大浪再起的季节,欧洲小说继续以其强大的动力扫射着耀眼的光芒。不过作为当下时代文学的一个家族传统,奖项与其品质并无绝对的联系。 我只就小说本身说事。 不过,鉴于20世纪的小说普遍...
评分谈谈君特,我自始至终都认为这位和蔼可亲的老爷爷没有任何错。 虽然他隐瞒了自己的身份,可这些年来他不是一直在反法西斯吗,这还不够吗?这世界上邪恶的人太多了,为什么一定要揪住我们的伟大作家不放?我非常喜欢他的作品,哪怕他当年真的杀过人,一个士兵在战争中所要做的...
评分 评分小说《铁皮鼓》以主人公奥斯卡的回忆为主体,以戏谑的语言描述了从一战到二战前后德国人的生存状态。这是一个关于历史的反思故事,是一个以“嬉戏的黑色寓言形式表现的审判。小说的潜在结构有三层,可以概括为“三重审判”:第一层是通过奥斯卡的回忆揭示纳粹德国前后以但泽为...
评分经过一个寒假的不懈努力,终于在今日——闰年三月的第一天,结束了这篇528000字的长篇小说。在毫无诗意的“黑厨娘你在吗”的歌声中,结束了与OSCAR的对话。他30岁的人生也许还将继续走下去,耶稣的圣体永远不会消亡。就如同那个铁皮鼓, “失而复得,得而复失”,亦也不过是“...
The Tin Drum pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025