图书标签: 传记 TonyBlair 英国 政治 回忆录 Tony_Blair 傳記 人物传记
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In 1997, Tony Blair won the biggest Labour victory in history to sweep the party to power and end eighteen years of Conservative government. He has been one of the most dynamic leaders of modern times; few British prime ministers have shaped the nation's course as profoundly as Blair during his ten years in power, and his achievements and his legacy will be debated for years to come. Now his memoirs reveal in intimate detail this unique political and personal journey, providing an insight into the man, the politician and the statesman, and charting successes, controversies and disappointments with an extraordinary candour. A Journey will prove essential and compulsive reading for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of our global world. As an account of the nature and uses of power, it will also have a readership that extends well beyond politics, to all those who want to understand the challenges of leadership today.
Tony Blair became an MP in 1983, leader of the Labour Party in 1994, and was prime minister of the United Kingdom from May 1997 to June 2007. Since leaving office, he has served as the Quartet Representative to the Middle East, representing the U.S., the UN, Russia, and the EU in working with the Palestinians to prepare for statehood as part of the international community’s effort to secure peace. In May 2008 he launched the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, which promotes respect and understanding among the major religions. His Africa Governance Initiative works with leaders and their governments on policy delivery and attracting sustainable investment in Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. He also works with world leaders to build consensus on an international climate-policy framework.
评分我想起在曼城参加模联,带队的英国小哥就说过 布莱尔执政期的业绩代表英国工党最辉煌的10年,但是这个曾经的日不落帝国衰败是必然事件。面对这个事实挽狂澜于既倒显得螳臂当车。正如布莱尔做过一生中最错误的决定--出兵伊拉克一样。认为结盟美帝就能停止衰落。可是自己没有利用价值,靠谁都没有用。
评分always a rebel!
第一章 我开始想,我做了违反宪法的事了。我意图击败保守党人,而且赢漂亮;可是,如果我们把他们彻底挤出去,会怎样?幸运的是,不久之后,他们的票数开始增加。 布莱尔同学夸张了~ 阿拉斯泰尔……几乎就是另一个我。 这哥们在电影《女王》占了很多篇幅,似乎是挺有魅力的人...
评分摘自《中华读书报》 作者:陆建德 布莱尔先生这本自传去年才出版,译林出版社居然如此神速地把它介绍给中国读者,而且保证了译文的优秀品质,令人叹服。在书的作者与译林之间有着共同之处:一旦决定做一件事,就开足马力,积极投入,充满热情。我这样说,希望两方面都...
评分摘自《新浪博客》 作者: 羽 毛 托尼•布莱尔站在窗边接电话,一声不吭。合体的蓝色西装,硬朗的脸部线条,侧影挺拔,这位身高 一米八五的英国前首相,仿佛电影男主角。 听了十来分钟,他简短地三五句结束通话,即向记者笑着伸出右手,得体躬身。金褐短发已然灰...
评分As a politician, he got the benefits from Oxford University. He developed a community theory from John Macmurray’s work, Reason and Emotion &Conditions of freedom. He was a power player, party leader, decision-maker, responsibility taker and gifted com...
评分英国人啰嗦是啰嗦了些,比较扯。 对英国的政治格局和体系能有个大概了解。虽然都是两党较劲,和老美还是有很大不同的。 对于党内斗争的描述甚至比党外的还不少。 对于亲美的问题,其实不用下结论,阐述的够明确了。 对于布什,结合布什的自传,还是比较接近的。 英王室确实面临...
A Journey pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025