Phänomenologie Des Geistes pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"The Phenomenology of Mind" in the original German. First published in 1807. According to Wikipedia: "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher, and with Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, one of the creators of German idealism. Hegel influenced writers of widely varying positions, including both his admirers (Bauer, Feuerbach, Marx, Bradley, Dewey, Sartre, Küng, Kojève, Žižek), and his detractors (Schelling, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Peirce, Russell). Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, or "system", to account in an integrated and developmental way for the relation of mind and nature, the subject and object of knowledge, and psychology, the state, history, art, religion, and philosophy. In particular, he developed a concept of mind or spirit that manifested itself in a set of contradictions and oppositions that it ultimately integrated and united, such as those between nature and freedom, and immanence and transcendence, without eliminating either pole or reducing it to the other. His influential conceptions are of speculative logic or "dialectic," "absolute idealism," "Spirit," negativity, sublation (Aufhebung in German), the "Master/Slave" dialectic, "ethical life," and the importance of history." --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.
摘要: 黑格尔的伦理不是自然血缘和情感关系,而是人的法则和神的法则,包括国家、市民社会和家庭。家庭是为市民社会和国家培养独立的公民的,不是忠和孝的关系,而是理性人格的养成。家庭内部的夫妻关系、父母与子女的关系及兄弟姐妹关系都不是一方服从另一方的关系,而是互相...
评分 评分原文载于:《中国社会科学评价》2017年第(1)期:27-33 摘要:黑格尔《精神现象学》(句读本)的翻译理念是:通过对西方文化背景的全面了解和熟悉,对黑格尔高度抽象思辨的文句加以疏通,将中国读者带入一种高强度的逻辑思维和体系化思维的训练,提高中国人解读西方思想的隐微之...
评分文章来源:《哲学研究》2011年8期 最近两年,我在给研究生逐句讲解黑格尔《精神现象学》的过程中,感到该书从第一部分“意识”向第二部分“自我意识”的过渡是一个难点。一般来说,在黑格尔那里,意识是对一个对象的意识,也就是对意识与对象之间的区别的意识;反之,自我意识...
Phänomenologie Des Geistes pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025