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Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Viking marauders descend on a much-plundered island, hoping some mayhem will shake off the winter blahs. A man is booted out of his home after his wife discovers that the print of a bare foot on the inside of his windshield doesn't match her own. Teenage cousins, drugged by summer, meet with a reckoning in the woods. A boy runs off to the carnival after his stepfather bites him in a brawl. In the stories of Wells Tower, families fall apart and messily try to reassemble themselves. His version of America is touched with the seamy splendor of the dropout, the misfit: failed inventors, boozy dreamers, hapless fathers, wayward sons. Combining electric prose with savage wit, "Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned" is a major debut, announcing a voice we have not heard before.
看完了这本虽然不厚,但是需要时间去研读的书,我认为有机会的话,读英文原本会更好的。 整本书看起来特别的简洁,不论是封面的设计,文字的排版,翻译的表述。但是就是这种简洁看起来过于晦涩,刚开始看第一篇就有看不下去的感觉,因为作为开头,它不够吸引人。我不知道如果是...
評分一个讲丈夫因偷情被妻子赶出家门的故事,为何在丈夫站在海 堤上把一条海参抛向大海后便没了下文?一对隔阂重重的兄弟,他们的相处怎么会在哥哥转身吃下一口腐败的麋鹿肉时就戛然而止?丈夫受前妻所托、开车去山谷接孩子与前妻的现任丈夫,这一尴尬的三人之旅,怎会结束于主人公...
評分粗犷的小说语言,辅之以意象纷呈及暗黑质地; 故事架构上反高潮反结构,但是叙事有条不紊,可谓不以故事而以意境取胜; 在题材上,威尔斯显示出惊人的阅历和研究深度,对不同年龄、职业、身份、关系的拿捏都精准到位。 惊人之作例如《归隐》,那感觉越是真诚越是暴躁,越是...
Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025