圖書標籤: 英國 隨筆 迴憶錄 原版 曆史 共和國 中國
Hand-Grenade Practice in Peking pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
`In 1975 I went to Peking for a year, together with nine other British students who had been exchanged by the British Council for ten Chinese students. The latter knew exactly what they were doing: learning English in order to further the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. We were less sure. `From 1966, China had been turned upside down by young Red Guards who were encouraged to `Bombard the Headquarters'. Professors, surgeons, artists, pianists, novelists and film directors were attacked for their bourgeois pursuit of excellence or their attachment to decadent Western ideas. `Though by 1975 there were no longer violent street battles or badly beaten bodies floating down the Pearl River, we found Peking University governed by a Revolutionary Committee of workers, peasants and Party members determined that we should not learn too much and become experts divorced from the masses. `With our Chinese classmates, we spent half our time in factories, getting in the way of workers making railway engines, or in the fields, learning from peasants how to bundle cabbage or plant rice seedlings in muddy water. Heroically, we stayed up half the night to dig rather shallow underground shelters in case of nuclear attack. Much of the rest of the time was spent in class, with two compulsory hours of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought every Saturday morning and compulsory sport, which included hand-grenade throwing. I studied Chinese history which had to be revised overnight when Deng Xiaoping was criticized for the second time and erased from the record. The constant hammering of political rhetoric, broadcast from tannoys hidden in every tree, and the endless expositions of Marxist-Leninist dialectic were only interrupted by funeral announcements as yet another ancient revolutionary went to join karl Marx. `Just after I returned home, the Great Helmsman himself, Chairman Mao, died. Within weeks, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was not only over but renamed `The Ten Disastrous Years'. The reinstated Deng Xiaoping bounced back and declared that it was glorious to be rich: all my helpful digging and enginemaking had been a mistake.'
吳芳思(Frances Wood),英國著名的漢學專傢,長期擔任英國圖書館中國部負責人,對中國文化與典籍有較深的瞭解。二十世紀七十年代曾留學北京。近年已經退休,現在生活在倫敦。
評分有点意思,很个人的视角,一窥1975-1976年外国留学生在北京的生活。 中文的题目翻译很有趣,书封上还写明张丽“润文”,应该是宣传部的人,可见题材之敏感。不过我对读了英文原文,实际上没什么大改动,还是不错的。 一些散乱的感想记录下: 和作者同去的英国留学生,好像不少...
Hand-Grenade Practice in Peking pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025