圖書標籤: 曆史 中東 History Middle_East 英文讀物 經濟,政治和曆史 曆史學 Regions_Conflict
A Concise History of the Middle East pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The ninth edition of this widely acclaimed text by Arthur Goldschmidt Jr. and Lawrence Davidson has been extensively revised to reflect the latest scholarship and the most recent events in the Middle East. As an introduction to the history of this turbulent region from the beginnings of Islam to the present day, the book is distinguished by its clear style, broad scope, and balanced treatment. It focuses on the evolution of Islamic institutions and culture, the influence of the West, the modernization efforts of Middle Eastern governments, the struggle of various peoples for political independence, the course of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the reassertion of Islamic values and power, the issues surrounding the Palestinian Question, and the roles of Iraq and Iran in the post-9/11 Middle East. Nine maps newly commissioned for the ninth edition highlight key aspects of Middle East history. Two popular study aids, the chronology and the glossary, have been extensively revised, and the superlative bibliographic essay, an essential guide to further reading, has been thoroughly rewritten to reflect current scholarship.
這書09年以反恐主題結尾,誰知很快又接著顔色gm瞭。中東洋洋灑灑橫跨韆年的曆史,讀著讀著,英法美德這些局外人跟著進來攪和,而且一攪就是兩百年,至今各方居然漸漸習慣成自然瞭,不禁悲從中來。書裏某句不起眼的話,分量倒是挺重的:People attain freedom and dignity not by aping others but by affirming what is true within themselves. (p.s.果然西方學者提到宗教壓迫,言必稱西藏,可見真正不帶預設立場的曆史敘述,幾乎是不可能的)
評分這書09年以反恐主題結尾,誰知很快又接著顔色gm瞭。中東洋洋灑灑橫跨韆年的曆史,讀著讀著,英法美德這些局外人跟著進來攪和,而且一攪就是兩百年,至今各方居然漸漸習慣成自然瞭,不禁悲從中來。書裏某句不起眼的話,分量倒是挺重的:People attain freedom and dignity not by aping others but by affirming what is true within themselves. (p.s.果然西方學者提到宗教壓迫,言必稱西藏,可見真正不帶預設立場的曆史敘述,幾乎是不可能的)
評分這書09年以反恐主題結尾,誰知很快又接著顔色gm瞭。中東洋洋灑灑橫跨韆年的曆史,讀著讀著,英法美德這些局外人跟著進來攪和,而且一攪就是兩百年,至今各方居然漸漸習慣成自然瞭,不禁悲從中來。書裏某句不起眼的話,分量倒是挺重的:People attain freedom and dignity not by aping others but by affirming what is true within themselves. (p.s.果然西方學者提到宗教壓迫,言必稱西藏,可見真正不帶預設立場的曆史敘述,幾乎是不可能的)
評分這書09年以反恐主題結尾,誰知很快又接著顔色gm瞭。中東洋洋灑灑橫跨韆年的曆史,讀著讀著,英法美德這些局外人跟著進來攪和,而且一攪就是兩百年,至今各方居然漸漸習慣成自然瞭,不禁悲從中來。書裏某句不起眼的話,分量倒是挺重的:People attain freedom and dignity not by aping others but by affirming what is true within themselves. (p.s.果然西方學者提到宗教壓迫,言必稱西藏,可見真正不帶預設立場的曆史敘述,幾乎是不可能的)
評分這書09年以反恐主題結尾,誰知很快又接著顔色gm瞭。中東洋洋灑灑橫跨韆年的曆史,讀著讀著,英法美德這些局外人跟著進來攪和,而且一攪就是兩百年,至今各方居然漸漸習慣成自然瞭,不禁悲從中來。書裏某句不起眼的話,分量倒是挺重的:People attain freedom and dignity not by aping others but by affirming what is true within themselves. (p.s.果然西方學者提到宗教壓迫,言必稱西藏,可見真正不帶預設立場的曆史敘述,幾乎是不可能的)
評分当拜占庭皇帝尊奉卡尔西顿信条时,正统教会的主教便会利用政治权力迫害埃及和叙利亚的一性派和聂斯脱里派基督徒。长期的宗教迫害,加剧着异端派别对于君士坦丁堡的不满,直至成为阿拉伯人征服和伊斯兰教得以在中东取代基督教的契机。 20 前伊斯兰时代的诗歌浓缩着称做“穆鲁沃...
評分从15年3月买入,断断续续读了三年半。终于在豆瓣的督促下痛定思痛,集中用了一个多月的休闲时间啃下来了。 收益颇多 阿拉伯和穆斯林的关系。早期阿拉伯与波斯王朝、拜占庭帝国、奥斯曼帝国的关系。逊尼派和什叶派的关系。阿里家族、阿布伯克尔家族,以及四大哈里发的延续。穆阿...
A Concise History of the Middle East pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025