图书标签: 井上雄彦 Japanese JPmanga 英语 漫画 日本
Slam Dunk, Volume 1 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Basketball. The court, the ball, the hoop. The hopes, the dreams, the sweat. It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that--the best. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true--will they do it? Takehiko Inoue's legendary basketball manga is finally here, and the tale of a lifetime is in your hands Sakuragi Hanamichi's got no game with girls--none at all It doesn't help that he's known for throwing down at a moment's notice and always coming out on top. A hopeless bruiser, he's been rejected by 50 girls in a row All that changes when he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko, and she's actually not afraid of him When she introduces him to the game of basketball, his life is changed forever...
Takehiko Inoue was born in Kagoshima prefecture in 1967. His first major success -- the hugely popular 31-volume long basketball manga SLAM DUNK -- sold over 100 million copies worldwide and catapulted him into the top ranks of Japanese manga artists. Besides manga, Inoue also worked on character design for the Playstation basketball game ONE ON ONE.
欢乐: 1.X,谁是等等啊,什么是等等啊,混蛋!(高宫望、大楠雄二、野间忠一郎) 2.这个,是流川枫的份(樱木花道) 3.拖把是你自己折断的啊!(铁男) 4.赤木他看起来比我还老嘛。(牧绅一) 5.半成新的,给我便宜点,30日元。(樱木花道) 6.啊 手要臭掉了(樱木花道)【同...
评分8年前的盛夏,我中考完,踏实且安心,从头到脚每个细胞都冒着志得意满的轻浮泡泡 彼时我黑且胖,内向又矫情,恐惧数理化,暗恋一个把我当兄弟的男生 在那段被蝉鸣撕扯成裂帛的日子里 买来精装版的灌篮高手消磨时间 然后就在那个夏天,我的生命被分割成“没看过SD” 和“...
评分时隔多年之后,翻出来看,还能时不时地热泪盈眶,三井,安西,以及蠢蠢地喜欢晴子的樱木。 当青春还在的时候,放假,每天下午在电视上看完,就捡起一只篮球,去球场上蹦达,只是我终于也没能成为三井。 人其实都喜欢迷途知返,喜欢弱者,喜欢没心没肺,喜欢从弱变强,这是奋...
评分前面的30卷都只为此卷做铺垫, 所有的比赛也只是为了对抗山王工业而准备 就像世界上唯一的花惊艳一现 就像亘古未见的流星划过眼前 湘北,没有过去,也没有未来 只有此刻,只在此刻,荣光万丈 大概再也没有一场比赛会像这样 籍籍无名对抗十年全国冠军 明知前方凶险万分,仍不...
评分是作者不想再畫了嗎?為什麼31集只用一句畫描述他們的全國之路夢想破碎? 我已經熱血了30.5集,竟然在後面半集冷卻了...
Slam Dunk, Volume 1 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025