圖書標籤: 濛田 傳記 英國 哲學 Montaigne 生活 原版 散文
How to Live pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Brilliant, original, funny and moving — a vivid portrait of Montaigne, showing how his ideas gave birth to our modern sense of our inner selves, from Shakespeare's plays to the dilemmas we face today.
How to get on well with people, how to deal with violence, how to adjust to losing someone you love— such questions arise in most people's lives. They are all versions of a bigger question: how do you live? How do you do the good or honourable thing, while flourishing and feeling happy?
This question obsessed Renaissance writers, none more than Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-92), perhaps the first truly modern individual. A nobleman, public official and wine-grower, he wrote free-roaming explorations of his thought and experience, unlike anything written before. He called them 'essays', meaning 'attempts' or 'tries'. Into them he put whatever was in his head: his tastes in wine and food, his childhood memories, the way his dog's ears twitched when it was dreaming, as well as the appalling events of the religious civil wars raging around him. The Essays was an instant bestseller, and over four hundred years later, Montaigne's honesty and charm still draw people to him. Readers come to him in search of companionship, wisdom and entertainment— and in search of themselves.
This book, a spirited and singular biography (and the first full life of Montaigne in English for nearly fifty years), relates the story of his life by way of the questions he posed and the answers he explored. It traces his bizarre upbringing (made to speak only Latin), youthful career and sexual adventures, his travels, and his friendships with the scholar and poet Etienne de La Boétie and with his adopted 'daughter', Marie de Gournay. And as we read, we also meet his readers— who for centuries have found in Montaigne an inexhaustible source of answers to the haunting question, 'how to live?'
Sarah Bakewell was a bookseller and a curator of early printed books at the Wellcome Library before publishing her highly acclaimed biographies The Smart, The English Dane, and the best-selling How to Live: A Life of Montaigne, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography. In addition to writing, she now teaches in the Masters of Studies in Creative Writing at Kellogg C
這是一本濛田的傳記,也是一本濛田的作品的傳記,它講述瞭濛田的一生和他的作品的前生後世,從希臘的stoicism, skepticism, 和epicureanism三個源頭,到濛田所親近的羅馬人,到痛恨濛田的笛卡爾和帕斯卡爾,到重又喜歡上他的伏爾泰和啓濛時代眾人,到尼采到伍爾夫。濛田的一生象大多數人一樣很難說是幸運還是不幸,他生在貴族傢庭但生逢亂世,短短一生經曆瞭無休止的宗教戰爭,屠殺和清洗,他患有腎結石,一生有近三分之一的時間在定期來臨的劇痛中度過,他婚姻談不上和睦,很早就失去瞭最親愛的友人。但是他度過瞭美滿的一生,說如果重來一遍還願意這樣生活。讀這本書時我常想到抗戰時內戰時反右時文革時所有亂世中的那些中國人的生活。最為感動的一段是茨威格二戰中在巴西讀濛田的經曆。以後定要把濛田的原作找來讀
評分這是一本濛田的傳記,也是一本濛田的作品的傳記,它講述瞭濛田的一生和他的作品的前生後世,從希臘的stoicism, skepticism, 和epicureanism三個源頭,到濛田所親近的羅馬人,到痛恨濛田的笛卡爾和帕斯卡爾,到重又喜歡上他的伏爾泰和啓濛時代眾人,到尼采到伍爾夫。濛田的一生象大多數人一樣很難說是幸運還是不幸,他生在貴族傢庭但生逢亂世,短短一生經曆瞭無休止的宗教戰爭,屠殺和清洗,他患有腎結石,一生有近三分之一的時間在定期來臨的劇痛中度過,他婚姻談不上和睦,很早就失去瞭最親愛的友人。但是他度過瞭美滿的一生,說如果重來一遍還願意這樣生活。讀這本書時我常想到抗戰時內戰時反右時文革時所有亂世中的那些中國人的生活。最為感動的一段是茨威格二戰中在巴西讀濛田的經曆。以後定要把濛田的原作找來讀
評分得到听书: 蒙田是400多年前的一个法国作家,他是西方第一个写自己寻常生活的作家,他把道德哲学和普通人的私人生活联系起来。我们今天阅读蒙田,实际上是在探寻自己的心灵之链。把自己生活中的困惑,和前辈作家的经验链接起来。蒙田有点儿像古代的德波顿,或者说,现在那位英国...
評分作者和译者都很牛x 书不错,开卷有益,适合自己的调调 又想到像我这样轻松的生活 喜欢蒙田是因为他是个俗人,看书也会忘 先有这本书,然后看了莫斯科绅士,绅士在读父亲留下来的蒙田,于是开始读蒙田随笔集。再回过头来读这本书,会有更好的理解 蒙田生活的十六世纪,在书里得...
評分很情慾的。 也許這正好是種自戀, 讓讀到的蒙田給自己正中下懷 正中下懷 聽起來就很情慾 蘇格拉底或是尼采、吳爾芙 甚至莎士比亞 有某種質地綿延地在流轉 所有人也各自延伸了各種文本 令人驚訝文學的意義 卻又理所當然似的 也許該重讀張惠菁的蒙田筆記 當年萬萬沒可能讀懂 ...
How to Live pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025