The Crazy School pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Madeline Dare has traded in the drudgery of living in backwoods Syracuse, New York, to work as a teacher at Santangelo Academy, a boarding school for emotionally disturbed teenagers in the Berkshires. Behind the ornate gates of the academy, she finds a disturbing realm where students and teachers must follow the dean's bizarre therapies. From her first day, Madeline doubts Dr. Santangelo's credibility - and she's not afraid to voice her concerns. But she quickly discovers that many of her colleagues are devout followers of the dean. When a chilling event confirms Madeline's suspicions, she feels trapped within a school full of lunatics. Shut off from the outside world, Maddie forms an unlikely alliance with a small group of rebellious students, whose constant resistance to authority may be her only salvation...
科妮莉亞·瑞德(Cornelia Read)在加利福尼亞州紐約市和夏威夷長大,現居於伯剋利。
科妮莉亞·瑞德瞭解第一手的老派“盎格魯-撒剋遜、白人-新教”文化。科妮莉亞母親的傢族世代居住在牡蠣灣中心島上,而她是在那裏居住的第十代(也是最後的一代)人,隨後被背棄瞭嬉皮士精神並離異的的母親帶到大蘇爾附近。她的童年導師包括:蘇菲派教徒、衝浪運動員、單親媽媽、黑豹黨人、安塞爾·亞當斯(Ansel Adams)、逃避兵役的人、罷工農民,還有亨利·米勒(Henry Miller)最難對付的乒乓對手。
在十五歲那年,瑞德迴到瞭東部,寄宿學校畢業後又拿到大學的全額奬學金。後來在紐約的時候,她母親婚外戀的男朋友的妻子心懷怨懟,把他們曝光瞭,他們因此登上瞭《紐約郵報》(the New York Post)八卦版《第六頁》,被所有人驅逐齣瞭社交圈。她通過自己的努力,又慢慢迴到社交圈之中。
這位備受贊賞的作者著有作品《黑暗的領域》(A FIELD OF DARKNESS)、《瘋狂學校》(THE CRAZY SCHOOL)、《看不見的男孩兒》(INVISIBLE BOY)和最新的《灰燼榖》(Valley of Ashes)。這四部作品的主人公都是言語刻薄卻令人難忘的前社會名流馬德琳·黛爾。
更多作傢信息請見:www.corneliaread.com;www.nakedauthors.com 以及她與吉姆·伯恩(Jim Born)、保羅·萊文(Paul Levine)、帕蒂·斯邁利(Patty Smiley)和傑奎琳·溫斯皮爾(Jacqueline Winspear)的閤作博客。
瑞德曾憑藉Hungry Enough一文,獲得夏姆斯短片小說奬(the Shamus Award for best short story)。
The Crazy School pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025