圖書標籤: 文學史 宇文所安 孫康宜 中國文學 中國文學史 中國文學 文學 海外漢學
The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
China has one of the longest continuous literary traditions in the world. From the beginnings of the Chinese written language to the lively world of internet literature, these two volumes tell the story of Chinese writing, both as an instrument of the state and as a medium for culture outside the state. The chapters, organized chronologically, treat not only poetry, drama, and fiction, but also historical writing and other prose forms. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, the History frequently challenges current scholarship, from taking recent archeological discoveries into consideration to understanding Chinese modernity not as a sudden rupture with the past but as part of a longer process. The History offers both an integrated narrative, situating literature in its larger cultural context, and an overview of the key developments of the past millennia accessible to non-specialist readers as well as scholars and students of Chinese.
Volume I: Introduction;
1. Early Chinese literature: beginnings through Western Han Martin Kern;
2. From the Eastern Han through the Western Jin (AD 25–317) David Knechtges;
3. From the Eastern Jin through the Early Tang (317–649) Xiaofei Tian;
4. The Cultural Tang (650–1020) Stephen Owen;
5. The Northern Song (1020–1126) Ronald Egan;
6. North and South: the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Michael Fuller and Shuen-fu Lin;
7. Literature from the Late Jin to the Early Ming: ca. 1230–ca. 1375 Stephen H. West; Bibliography; Glossary;
Index; Volume II: Introduction;
1. Literature of the Early Ming to Mid-Ming (1375–1572) Kang-i Sun Chang;
2. The literary culture of the Late Ming (1573–1644) Tina Lu;
3. Early Qing to 1723 Wai-yee Li;
4. The Literati Era and its demise (1723–1840) Shang Wei;
5. Prosimetric and verse narrative Wilt L. Idema;
6. Chinese literature from 1841 to 1937 David Der-wei Wang, Jing Tsu and Michel Hockx;
7. Chinese literature from 1937 to the present Michelle Yeh, Jing Tsu and Michel Hockx; Bibliography; Glossary; Index.
Edited by Kang-i Sun Chang
Yale University, Connecticut
Stephen Owen
Harvard University, Massachusetts
Martin Kern, David Knechtges, Xiaofei Tian, Stephen Owen, Ronald Egan, Michael Fuller, Shuen-fu Lin, Stephen H. West, Kang-i Sun Chang, Tina Lu, Wai-yee Li, Shang Wei, Wilt L. Idema, David Der-wei Wang, Jing Tsu, Michel Hockx, Michelle Yeh
評分要瞭命瞭,拜拜瞭您。Martin Kern棒。
一、《剑桥中国文学史》第四章文化唐朝 1 宇文所安说:李白则不只是一个外省人。 宇文所安心目中李白这个乡巴佬的反例城市人王维:王维出身于唐代最显赫的家族之一;在青少年时代,他常常出入诸王府第。 王维出身于唐代最显赫的家族之一吗?《新唐书·宰相世系二中》河东王氏:...
評分儘管書剛出的時候就知道是個刪節版,但還是沒有忍住買了下來。剛買的書是最有興趣讀的,間隔久了容易“審美疲勞”,所以也就儘快開始看了。 是書所謂“文學”,並不僅限於以往人們所認為的具有藝術性的文字,而幾乎包含了所有以漢語言文字書寫的文本——愈早期愈是如此。作者從...
評分一、概述 按编者在中文版序言中所说,《剑桥中国文学史》一书是剑桥世界文学史系列之一,其主要对象是受过教育的普通英文读者。由此可见,它并不是专供研究人员参考研读的学术史著作,而是更多带有普及性质的文学史著作。当然,相较于学界其他一些大部头的中国文学史,《剑桥中...
評分鄙人才疏学浅,可能给分有些偏差,见谅见谅 第一章:四星,讲得很流畅,自然地把文明的开端娓娓道来,美中不足在于“历史虚无主义”,怀疑色彩太浓(我大中华历史岂是你能怀疑的)(大雾) 第二到第四章:一星,知识很多,但联想到本书目的“读起来舒服的文学史”,这三章读起...
評分虽然从没系统接触过中国文学史,但我一直知道有这么一套书的存在,只闻其名而不知内容,通读上卷之后,有一种站在西方视角整体看待中国文学史的感受。 “整体性”是这套书编写时的一个目的,再一个就是强调文学作品不断被后世编订、完善,是变动的、受历史影响的过程,...
The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025