图书标签: 数据分析 HeadFirst Analysis Data 数据挖掘 统计学 入门 statistics
Head First Data Analysis pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Today, interpreting data is a critical decision-making factor for businesses and organizations. If your job requires you to manage and analyze all kinds of data, turn to "Head First Data Analysis", where you'll quickly learn how to collect and organize data, sort the distractions from the truth, find meaningful patterns, draw conclusions, predict the future, and present your findings to others. Whether you're a product developer researching the market viability of a new product or service, a marketing manager gauging or predicting the effectiveness of a campaign, a salesperson who needs data to support product presentations, or a lone entrepreneur responsible for all of these data-intensive functions and more, the unique approach in "Head First Data Analysis" is by far the most efficient way to learn what you need to know to convert raw data into a vital business tool. You'll learn how to: determine which data sources to use for collecting information; assess data quality and distinguish signal from noise; build basic data models to illuminate patterns, and assimilate new information into the models; cope with ambiguous information; design experiments to test hypotheses and draw conclusions; use segmentation to organize your data within discrete market groups; visualize data distributions to reveal new relationships and persuade others; predict the future with sampling and probability models; clean your data to make it useful; and, communicate the results of your analysis to your audience. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, "Head First Data Analysis" uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.
Michael Milton将自己的大半职业生涯献给了非盈利机构,帮助这些机构解析和处理从赞助人那里收集来的数据,提高融资能力。Michael Milton拥有新佛罗里达学院哲学学位及耶鲁大学宗教伦理学学位。多年来,他博览群书,这些书籍虽字字珠玑,却枯燥乏味; 蓦然抬首, 深入浅出(Head First)系列图书让他眼前一亮,他欣然抓住机会,写出了这本同样字字珠玑,兼振奋人心的书。
挺好玩的书,书中对于 R 的介绍使我对这一软件产生了浓厚的兴趣,有时间一定要好好学习一下。不过这本书还是比较浅,没有太深的内容,页数虽然多,但是排版很特别图片非常多,所以很快就翻完了。
评分小案例 有趣有意
第一章化妆品公司提出了增加销量的需求,经过商谈补充更多的数据资料,最后得出建议http://book.douban.com/annotation/37016494/ 第二章星巴克需要分析销量下降的原因,通过对比实验避免混杂因素。 第三章产品生产线得出最优解的需求,使用excel的solver功能,逻辑上输入约束...
评分书中第六章P180关于实验结果为阴性患病蜥蜴流感的几率错的太离谱了吧?! 书中第六章P180关于实验结果为阴性患病蜥蜴流感的几率错的太离谱了吧?! 书中第六章P180关于实验结果为阴性患病蜥蜴流感的几率错的太离谱了吧?! 书中第六章P180关于实验结果为阴性患病蜥蜴流感的几率...
评分这真的只是一本超级入门书,主要让新人了解一些数据分析的应用、思路和方法吧。 按照每一章的内容,我总结了一下(好像跟章节标题差不多:-)) 1. 假设是否正确 2. 细分,对照组实验 3. 线性规划 4. 多因素对比及展现 5. 假设证伪,可能性星级评分 6. 贝叶斯 7. 量化可能性及...
评分对于数据分析,我完全是门外汉。最近因为一些原因需要短期内对数据分析有大概的了解和掌握,于是在知乎某个答案的推荐下找来本书,断断续续花了一周的时间看完。 总体来说,是不错的入门导读。以案例的方式引出数据分析中常用的种种方法,避免了教科书式的枯燥乏味,趣味性强,...
评分因为数学功底不深的原因把,通过这本书重温了一些数学概念,比如方差、标准差、相关系数、均方根误差。 也学到了几个分析数据的方法,主要是散点图建立两个变量之间的关系,回归线进行预测、误差分析等 学会了R的一些用法。 因为平时工作接触到数据库比较多,看到数据库那一...
Head First Data Analysis pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025