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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 7th Edition pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
For web developers and other programmers interested in using JavaScript, this bestselling book provides the most comprehensive JavaScript reference section on the market. The seventh edition represents a significant update, with new material for ECMAScript 2017 (ES8), and new chapters on language-specific features. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is ideal for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it.
David Flanagan is a computer programmer who spends most of his time writing about JavaScript and Java. His books with O'Reilly include Java in a Nutshell, Java Examples in a Nutshell, Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, and JavaScript Pocket Reference. David has a degree in computer science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He lives with his wife and children in the U.S. Pacific Northwest between the cities of Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia. David has a blog at www.davidflanagan.com.
注意标题,是必备书刊,而不是入门的最佳书刊。 书中较全面地对 JavaScript 的各种函数以及特性作了介绍,而后面占了全书超过一半内容的 JavaScript 核心参考、客户端 JavaScript 参考、DOM 参考,无疑是编写 JavaScript 时最有力的参考手册(当然,在线的除外)。 但是本书不...
评分虽然号称“读过”,其实也只是看了自己比较感兴趣的关于闭包、命名空间、类、继承和Ajax那几章。讲解得很简明、透彻,非常好。特别是里面的例子都是作者精心准备的,兼顾了例子的简单性和实用性,值得仔细研究、实验,再与流行的Ajax框架进行对照,效果就更好了。 本书有一小半...
评分看了第一部分核心部分的内容感觉翻译很好(不是一般的好),秉承O'Reilly一贯的风格写的很通俗易懂,看着比Wrox的红皮书轻松多了。 还是不够详细很多地方都是一带而过,并没有详细的写清楚,比如第八章对象我看了两边才有点入门(本人看书慢的出齐呵呵~),能写清楚点就好了,多一...
评分读了一个月,粗度了一遍,然后又精读写笔记了一遍,确实很“给力”, 看完以后JS基本理论性的东西都掌握了,以后功力能涨到什么程度,就看自己的悟性了。 推荐给所有想致力于web前端开发的同学,但做web只是看本书还是不够,最好和一本CSS的书同时看,并学习一个成熟的js框架...
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 7th Edition pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025