DEAD SOULS pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Gogol's 1842 novel Dead Souls, a comic masterpiece about a mysterious con man and his grotesque victims, is one of the major works of Russian literature. It was translated into English in 1942 by Bernard Guilbert Guerney; the translation was hailed by Vladimir Nabokov as "an extraordinarily fine piece of work" and is still considered the best translation of Dead Souls ever published. Long out of print, the Guerney translation of Dead Souls is now reissued. The text has been made more faithful to Gogol's original by removing passages that Guerney inserted from earlier drafts of Dead Souls. The text is accompanied by Susanne Fusso's introduction and by appendixes that present excerpts from Guerney's translations of other drafts of Gogol's work and letters Gogol wrote around the time of the writing and publication of Dead Souls.
NIKOLAI VASILEVICH GOGOL was born at Sorotchinetz, in Little Russia, in March, 1809, the exact day being impossible to discover. The year in which he appeared on the planet proved to be the literary annus mirabilis of the century; for in this same twelvemonth were born Charles Darwin, Alfred Tennyson, Abraham Lincoln, Poe, Gladstone, Holmes, Chopin, and Mendelssohn. His father was a literary amateur, who wrote dramatic pieces for his own amusement, and who spent his time on the old family estate, not in managing the farms, but in wandering about the gardens and beholding the fowls of the air. The boy inherited much from his father; but he had the best of all private tutors, a good mother, of whom his biographer says, Elle demeure toujours sa plus intime amie.
——“如果你的脸是歪斜的,责怪镜子是没用的。” 尼古莱·果戈理(Nikolai Gogol),于1809年出生于乌克兰波尔塔瓦索罗庆采,于1852年去世。曾就读于波尔塔瓦省涅仁高级科学中学。代表作:《死魂灵》、《钦差大臣》、《外套》等。 (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B0%BC%E...
评分1、 死魂灵,即那些刚去世不久,官方档案尚未注销,因而法律意义上可算暂时活着的人。主人公乞乞科夫想通过便宜收购死魂灵,然后当做活奴隶抵押给监管委员会,骗取大笔押金。如果是当代一位作家来写,重点可能放在了如何钻法律漏洞,如何骗取押金上,情节重于人物。文学作品的...
评分如果有第三部,乞乞科夫是否还会干着贩卖“死灵魂”的活计?在他经历了一系列“无妄之灾”之后,出人头地、光宗耀祖那些诱惑还会那么强烈地吸引着他吗? 我想,他依然会坐着那辆通常只有光棍汉才会乘坐的相当讲究的四轮轻便马车,身体力行地丈量着俄罗斯的土地,一直...
评分《死魂灵》堪称是一部19世纪俄罗斯社会的世情小说,果戈里对俄罗斯全景式的洞察广度令人惊叹。便诚如赫尔岑所言:在此之前,从来没有一个人把俄国官僚的病理解剖的如此完整。 但细想文中诸般风物人情,皆不像是会存在于真实现实中的实体,而是“杂取种种人,合为一体”的艺术真...
DEAD SOULS pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025