Neighbors: A Forty-Year Portrait of an American Farm Community pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

Neighbors: A Forty-Year Portrait of an American Farm Community



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Neighbors: A Forty-Year Portrait of an American Farm Community epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025

Neighbors: A Forty-Year Portrait of an American Farm Community pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025


of 49 lu~d people away, and die Galena River hegan to silt in, making the chalulel to the Mississippi u~au gml,I<br >for cargo hoa~. Jo Davies~ County settled into fanning<br > With Europe still shaken hy the Napoleoulc wan, migrafon eontthued Guldeb~lks tuld the h nmib~a n i<br >Illinois rivers, of land where corn had grown on hlexhaus6hfa soil for one hm~dred yea~, of g~lme and ahml,]<br >~qld fruit of all kinds, of Farlne~ with several humlred hogs, ~,1 hundred eatde, ~enty horses, a thousaul she<br >English. Irish, aim German families, wannng to he tree of thelr remaiulng feudal ohligath,ns, migrated to th,*<br >cx,unty and settlements became ~nllages and to~ls In Mneriea they could find freedom and nnllnfited had w<br >could prosper hy working hard. In 1852 inJo Da~ess Co~t3,, nulya little of the edge of the ~,ildemess hM he<br >dulled. The source of the Missi~ippi had not yet been discovered The raikoad owned ~,,, million ae,~, al,d ~,<br >~lling it at eve to ~ent3 dollars an acre.<br > Like the heads of the families Hoppe, Schap, Grube, Briefer, and Evemull of that dine, J.Im Ru 1,,II,<br >Hanuner, a fa~er from Saxtmy, Germany, mok his I~unily from the German counu3~ide ~ld n%l it, d,<br >America. They went west over hlsmric ~ails, the past entering into them as they entered Jut,, lllin,,is ,~,,u,n,<br >When they roached Scales Mound in 1852 they bought railroad land. In one yeal S~ales M,,tmd ,,.tthl 5~<br >mu~, in three the railroad wouhl ar, i~. and ill eigbt the Chql War woukl heg, n The,i I Ioppe and

t,,n Scha[<br >barely able m speak English, volm~teered and spent four years ill a blue umtbnn gnth wcrc from the wta th,<br >hecame Sehapville<br > John Rudolph Hammer brought his family m a place that rolled into the N,~onl land ,,f a cr~ek ill a hidde,<br >valley ~ ~eel1 miles 110111 Galena and three from Scales Mound He came to baml. Like the uther,~ 1 lauun~<br >suhdued theland wlth ~ and plow.I Ie builra house and,wlth three other oleo, to~ded a ch~ch, fi~ e gencJamm<br >echoes ofhis spirit, conic after him. His son, Bernhardt, fathered nine children, Of Bernhardt s chlklren, Georg,<br >Hanuner ~came the father of Wdlis Hammer WilUs Hannner became the father of Willis Hammer, Jr<br >Willis HaJmner, Jr., be.-ame the father of James AI~ Hammer. born 1 l0 } ears aRer Jo~al rudulph Hatmner<br >reached Illinois county. Of the sLx generatioi~s, none rooted tilt irom the ohl homestead<br > It is with the ~Vdlls Halnmer tamily and their neighbors that riffs N,ok is concerned, l~or forty ye~ I have<br >wimes~d, in fi iendship and with a camera, the hilths and a gang , of three generauons When I asked, a lleigh~r<br >told me that I was allowed to make pictures because "it was your work and ~e dul not want m depm~ you of<br >earning your living "<br > A lame beyondJohn Rudolph I lanmlzr s homestead, the IVlllls H~nmer homepface lies in the seclusion of<br >a boll ow. Oi1 land laced hy rulfa~coas~l gravel r~ds, you go up ridges, down into ~ ~1 fays, and along n~r<br >borons, Card e a nd horses ~aze, h a wks title, Dck rabbits da~ inu> the raM. In the uemds, although you c~ot<br >

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