Blocking and Unblocking pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
sLocxmo ~Nv VNSLOCXlNO PLAYS ZN SRIDG~<br > lSamaple l<br > As 8co~ as the opening lead has been made, it is essential, before<br > playing any card from dummy, to consider whether any special play is<br > called for in the suit led. Here you are South, playing a contract of<br > three no trumps.<br > 4b Q72<br > A853<br > qJ6<br > 4b A52<br > J94 ~ O 10863<br > 107 ~ QJ92<br > O K52 ~ 874<br > 4b KI0863 4~ Q9<br > AK5<br > K64<br > A1093<br > 4~ J74<br > West leads the six of clubs and South, before playing from dummy,<br > counts his ~op tricks--tJ~ee spades, two hearts, one diamond and one<br >~g~eseasY ~~~ .es~blish two .more tricks in diamonds, but this involve~<br > -v,,~us west, wao may be able to take four tricks in clubs.<br >This is precisely what will happen ff South makes the mistake of<br >playing a low club from dummy. East will win with the queen and return<br >the nine. If South plays low on this trick West will cover with the ten and<br >force out the ace. When West comes in with the king of diamonds, he<br >will Cash hh remaining club winners to defeat the contract.<br >But what will happen if, instead, declarer goes up with the ace of clubs<br >~n the opening lead ? East will play the nine (it would not help him to<br >~ublOck) and when West comes in with the king of diamonds either the<br > will be 4--3 or, as in the present case, the run of the suit will be<br >,locked.<br >t is true that ~ play of the ace of clubs would cost the contract ff<br >{Test had led frem K Q x x x in clubs. But it is more Likely that the<br >onours will be divided, and there is the ~<br >ed probably from K Q 9 x x W f..u[ther.pomt that from K Q 10 x x,<br >:109xxthe 10. , ~cwomalutveleatheking, andfrom<br > Thus the play of the ace will turn out a miscalculation<br >~ly ffWest holds precisely K Q 86 x.<br >
Blocking and Unblocking pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025