圖書標籤: GENDER 藝術 女性 visual research; interdisciplinary culture FILM
Laura Mulvey: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Since it first appeared in Screen in 1975, Laura Mulvey’s essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" has been an enduring point of reference for artists, filmmakers, writers and theorists. Mulvey’s compelling polemical analysis of visual pleasure has provoked and encouraged others to take positions, challenge preconceived ideas and produce new works that owe their possibility to the generative qualities of this key essay.
In this book, the celebrated New York-based video artist Rachel Rose (born 1986) has produced an innovative work that extends and adds to the essay’s frame of reference. Drawing on 18th- and 19th-century fairy tales, and observing how their flat narratives matched the flatness of their depictions, Rose created collages that connect these pre-cinematic illustrations to what Mulvey describes in her essay-cinema flattening sexuality into visuality.
評分mulvey如果稱自己為女性主義者,為什麼隻研究the male gaze而不研究the female gaze哦?能gaze的隻有男性嗎?女性都沒長眼睛嗎lol?認為女性隻是被陽性視角觀看/注視/偷窺的欲望客體是因為你首先把男性放在主動觀看的主體位置,不是嗎。如果把女性考慮進主動觀看而非被動接收的主體位置(aka 意識到女性也長瞭眼睛這一事實...),研究男性成為被注視的客體和女性的欲望心理是不是更顯你女權一點?/對電影的論述很有理有據給三星吧
評分幾十年不衰減的引用量足以證明這是一篇偉大且充滿爭議的文章。通過引用弗洛伊德精神分析,分析瞭傳統好萊塢電影帶來的兩種視覺快感:scopophilic voyeurism與narcissistic identification。前者是隱藏於暗處(銀幕外黑暗)的偷窺快感,後者是自我中心理想化的銀幕投射。對我最大的啓發是,將俄狄浦斯情結的castration anxiety類比到男性凝視中,並將解決這種焦慮的方法歸結於希區柯剋式的sadistic voyeurism和Sternberg式的fetishistic scopophilia。對male gaze的分析是開創先例且非常老練的,在這之後關於種族性彆的gaze討論,全都繞不過Mulvey。
Laura Mulvey: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025