圖書標籤: Hokusai 藝術 Poets One Hundred
Hokusai One Hundred Poets pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This lavishly illustrated, oversized (17" x 10") book brings together the last major print series of the celebrated Japanese artist Hokusai (1760-1849) and the Japanese poetry that inspired these beautiful prints. Whether showing semi-nude women abalone divers struggling with their catch while a male crew of shriveled old salts leers from a nearby boat, or the carefree rapture of a leisurely group of men and women observing cherry blossoms at their peak, Hokusai captures, with drama and delicacy, sublime and ridiculous states. The artist's simplicity, though deceptive, is also remarkable: he illustrates a poem about a lovers' seaside tryst with a magnificently imposing yet unadorned sailing vessel, its small window offering a coy glimpse of the fortunate couple inside. Each of the 111 color prints (as well as 41 black-and-white sketches of projected prints apparently never completed) is accompanied by the poem, in Japanese and English, a biographical note on the poet and by Peter Morse's comments on literary and artistic intention and execution.
葛飾北齊 Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) 江戶時期浮世繪畫傢
葛飾北齋生於 1760年的江戶(現東京),是日本江戶時代浮世繪派的大師級人物。他14歲學雕版印刷,18歲便和另一位浮世繪大師勝川春章學畫,開始瞭自己漫長且多産的畫畫生涯——但葛飾卻是等到瞭60歲以後纔開始齣名的。1826年,為瞭配閤當時的日本內地旅遊業的發展(多半也因為個人對富士山的情有獨鍾),葛飾以富士山不同角度的樣貌為題,畫瞭《富嶽三十六景》一係列的風景圖,因而遠近馳名,其中以赤富士和神奈川衝浪裏最為知名。
富嶽三十六景 36 Views of Mount Fuji
One Hundred Poets
冨嶽三十六景:神奈川海浪裏 The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Hokusai One Hundred Poets pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025