图书标签: 文艺
Angels on the Head of a Pin pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Originally published in Russia in 1979, this overlooked masterpiece of Russian literature sold a quarter of a million copies in its first edition and has been named one of the ten best Russian novels of the twentieth century, and one of the best contemporary novels by Unesco. Angels on the Head of a Pin is set in Moscow in the late 1960s, at a time when Khrushchev-era liberalization is being threatened by the return to personality cult and repression following the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia. It will be thirty-five years this August since Prague Spring, when the Soviet invasion took place, and this novel reveals much about how it was manipulated and what happened after. The editor-in-chief of the organ of the Communist Party collapses with a heart attack outside the Central Committee building. This is partly brought on by the appearance of a samizdat manuscript on his desk that leads to his anguishing over who left it there and what to do with it to avoid falling victim to the malevolence its content is likely to unleash. The solution lies with Yakov Rappoport, an aging and cynical Jewish veteran of the war and two spells in the Gulag, the author of not only the obnoxious popular campaigns sponsored by the newspaper (and all its letters to the editor) but of every speech that gets made in public by the principals of the regime as well. His efforts to help his stricken editor, as well as the novel's star-crossed lovers, lead to a hallucinatory climax.
尤里·德鲁日尼科夫 俄罗斯作家、散文家及文史学家。1933年生于莫斯科一艺术家家庭,中学期间因对斯大林在卫国战争中的作用评价不足而受责难,导致随后没有一所莫斯科高校愿意录取他,后入拉脱维亚大学学习,最后在莫斯科国立师范学院历史语文系毕业。他当过教师、图书编辑、报社记者。1971年加入苏联作协。1977年因从事地下出版等活动而被开除出作协,后流亡国外,在维也纳逗留一年后前往美国。2001年被波兰推荐角逐当年的诺贝尔文学奖。长期担任美国加利福尼亚大学教授及国际笔会美国分会副主席。他的作品中俏皮的双关语层出不穷,包含双重、甚至三重的心理动机的潜台词颇显优雅,善于在悄然无形中从严酷的现实转向卡夫卡式的变形夸张。他的作品体裁多样,主要作品有:长篇小说《针尖上的天使》、微型长篇小说《沙皇费多尔之死》、短篇小说《为什么要烦普希金》、戏剧《老师恋爱了》等等。
评分人人都口是心非…… 前苏联流亡作家德鲁日尼科夫的小说《针尖上的天使》,是我所读过的最优秀的反映勃列日涅夫时代苏联知识分子生活的作品。 这本小说描写了前苏联某“主编经常去政治局开会”的大报(大致相当于我国的工人日报)中形形色色的人物的生活。 书中反映了勃列日...
评分摘自《外国文学动态》 作者:高红梅 当中国读者还热衷于纳博科夫、索尔仁尼琴等俄罗斯海外流亡作家之时,另一位美籍俄裔作家——尤里•德鲁日尼科夫( Yuri Druzhnikov)已步入中国读者的视野,译林出版社于2010年5月重磅推出了其代表作《针尖上的天使》。其实,这部小...
评分人人都口是心非…… 前苏联流亡作家德鲁日尼科夫的小说《针尖上的天使》,是我所读过的最优秀的反映勃列日涅夫时代苏联知识分子生活的作品。 这本小说描写了前苏联某“主编经常去政治局开会”的大报(大致相当于我国的工人日报)中形形色色的人物的生活。 书中反映了勃列日...
评分人人都口是心非…… 前苏联流亡作家德鲁日尼科夫的小说《针尖上的天使》,是我所读过的最优秀的反映勃列日涅夫时代苏联知识分子生活的作品。 这本小说描写了前苏联某“主编经常去政治局开会”的大报(大致相当于我国的工人日报)中形形色色的人物的生活。 书中反映了勃列日...
Angels on the Head of a Pin pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025