圖書標籤: AnthonyGilbert 密室聖經 歐美原版 不可能犯罪 CollinsCrimeClub Anthony·Gilbert
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Fashions may change in rather a startling way, but Crime Club readers eagerly look forward each season to the New Crook, and here comes Anthony Gilbert again with a diabolically ingenious crime story featuring our favourite criminal lawyer. Arthur Crook gets caught in a violent storm on the moors while visiting a police-spy client. He demands shelter at an isolated house and is grudgingly given it for the night by an eccentric old man who lives there alone with one servant. On Crook's return to town he reads that his reluctant host has been found dead in his bath. Accident, murder, or suicide ? Crook is so intrigued that when he hears of the death of two other members of the same family he starts investigations on his own account—even although there is nothing in it for him ; which is strictly against his principles, but is in itself eloquent testimony to the originality of Anthony Gilbert's plot.
Anthony Gilbert, the pen name of Lucy Beatrice Malleson (15 February 1899 – 9 December 1973), was an English crime writer who was a cou sin of actor-screenwriter Miles Malleson.[1][2] She also wrote nongenre fiction as Anne Meredith and published one crime novel and an autobiography (Three-a-Penny, 1940) under the Meredith name.
She published 69 crime novels, 51 of which featured her best-known character, Arthur Crook. Crook is a vulgar London lawyer totally (and deliberately), unlike the aristocratic detectives who dominated the mystery field when Gilbert introduced him such as Lord Peter Wimsey. Instead of dispassionately analyzing a case, he usually enters it after seemingly damning evidence has built up against his client, then conducts a no-holds-barred investigation of doubtful ethics to clear him or her. As fellow mystery author Michael Gilbert noted, "...he behaved in a way which befitted his name and would not have been approved by the Law Society."[3] The first Crook novel was published in 1936 and was immediately popular. The last Crook novel was published in 1974.
Her novel The Vanishing Corpse (1941) was adapted as the film They Met in the Dark (1943), and her novel The Woman in Red (not featuring Crook, 1941) was adapted as the film My Name Is Julia Ross. "You'll Be the Death of Me," an October 1963 episode of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, was adapted from Gilbert's short story "The Goldfish Button" in the February 1958 Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. Her short stories "Door to a Different World" and "Fifty Years After" were Edgar Award nominees.
'Anthony Gilbert is particularly good at keeping the reader in uncertainty all the way. He really is an exceptionally competent detective story writer.'
- Marghanita Laski
The World of Books, B.B.C
稱得上是佳作,潦倒小說傢的三位富裕親戚在他突如其來的拜訪後都蹊蹺而亡,律師偵探Arthur Crook在無人邀約的情況下,破天荒地主動調查離奇命案。前兩起命案的篇幅都比較短,故事最豐盛最沃饒的部分是第三起案件的鋪墊,不婚、戀財、控製狂的老小姐形象的刻畫非常栩栩如生。臨近結局twist紛至遝來,第一起命案的解答看起來很瞎但其實伏筆確實很明顯,完全齣乎意料。第三起命案的真相則依賴於對人物性格的理解,略復雜而且摻雜著一些偶然與巧閤。解答和剋裏斯蒂後期的某本名作撞衫(不過在作者解謎前不太容易看得齣來),略遺憾,不然真的就稱得上獨一無二的astonishing。值得一提的是,Anthony Gilbert的行文很愛用俚語和嘲諷當時不列顛現狀的比喻,有些句子真難懂,有意思的是美版似乎把這些地方都刪除瞭~
評分稱得上是佳作,潦倒小說傢的三位富裕親戚在他突如其來的拜訪後都蹊蹺而亡,律師偵探Arthur Crook在無人邀約的情況下,破天荒地主動調查離奇命案。前兩起命案的篇幅都比較短,故事最豐盛最沃饒的部分是第三起案件的鋪墊,不婚、戀財、控製狂的老小姐形象的刻畫非常栩栩如生。臨近結局twist紛至遝來,第一起命案的解答看起來很瞎但其實伏筆確實很明顯,完全齣乎意料。第三起命案的真相則依賴於對人物性格的理解,略復雜而且摻雜著一些偶然與巧閤。解答和剋裏斯蒂後期的某本名作撞衫(不過在作者解謎前不太容易看得齣來),略遺憾,不然真的就稱得上獨一無二的astonishing。值得一提的是,Anthony Gilbert的行文很愛用俚語和嘲諷當時不列顛現狀的比喻,有些句子真難懂,有意思的是美版似乎把這些地方都刪除瞭~
評分我承認我跳讀瞭,因為我實在不想仔細閱讀一本很久都沒有偵探齣場的推理小說【PM的作品除外】,而且裏麵動不動就來個跨頁的大段落,用詞又很生僻,實在是有些boring......... 簡介【https://www.douban.com/note/740650361/】
評分密室聖經No.809. 倫敦亦正亦邪律師Arthur Crook係列第21本,也是全係列中唯一一本“貌似有不可能犯罪”的.如同書名所說,在書中總共有三起死亡,其中聖經中收入的是第一起,其理由極為極為勉強,而篇幅也非常非常短,但是解答還真是齣其不意,按理說我應該想到但我偏偏沒有想到.除此之外這部作品中還有相當的轉摺,登場角色讓人印象深刻,且如果你是第一次讀作者的作品,你可能會搞不清書中究竟誰纔是主角.三流作傢的富有年老親戚在短時間內突然都離奇去世,隻剩下一位老姑媽尚在人間,偏偏她還不斷收到恐嚇信.如果她死瞭,作為傢族唯一的幸存者-作傢同誌,就要享受豐厚的遺産瞭,那麼他是不是這一切的幕後元凶?作者真的把真相這麼明顯的告訴我們瞭麼?推薦喜歡看講故事和人物刻畫的朋友閱讀,而喜歡密室或獨特詭計的朋友棄
評分我承認我跳讀瞭,因為我實在不想仔細閱讀一本很久都沒有偵探齣場的推理小說【PM的作品除外】,而且裏麵動不動就來個跨頁的大段落,用詞又很生僻,實在是有些boring......... 簡介【https://www.douban.com/note/740650361/】
Death Knocks Three Times pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025