图书标签: 波普尔 政治哲学 哲学 philosophy 黑格尔 马克思主义 马克思 英文
The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Popper was born in 1902 to a Viennese family of Jewish origin. He taught in Austria until 1937, when he emigrated to New Zealand in anticipation of the Nazi annexation of Austria the following year, and he settled in England in 1949. Before the annexation, Popper had written mainly about the philosophy of science, but from 1938 until the end of the Second World War he focused his energies on political philosophy, seeking to diagnose the intellectual origins of German and Soviet totalitarianism. "The Open Society and Its Enemies" was the result.In the book, Popper condemned Plato, Marx, and Hegel as "holists" and "historicists" - a holist, according to Popper, believes that individuals are formed entirely by their social groups; historicists believe that social groups evolve according to internal principles that it is the intellectual's task to uncover. Popper, by contrast, held that social affairs are unpredictable, and argued vehemently against social engineering. He also sought to shift the focus of political philosophy away from questions about who ought to rule toward questions about how to minimize the damage done by the powerful. The book was an immediate sensation, and - though it has long been criticized for its portrayals of Plato, Marx, and Hegel - it has remained a landmark on the left and right alike for its defense of freedom and the spirit of critical inquiry.
卡尔·波普尔爵士(Sir Karl Raimund Popper)是当代西方杰出的科学哲学家和社会哲学家。他的《历史决定论的贫困》(The Poverty of Historicism)和《开放社会及其敌人》(The Open Society and its Enemies)是西方民主思想宝库中的经典著作。波普尔曾经由于这两部书获得过英国女皇颁授的爵位。
真奇怪!这书竟没有小豆们的一点点脚印。 说实在,这算是难得一见的好书,特别是对社会现象,社会心理,社会发展有兴趣的小豆们,应该去看一看。 本书对一众哲人的理论进行了深入的评析。诸如,柏拉图、黑格尔、马克思等。并在此基础上,阐明自己的“开放社会”的理念。 我们...
评分历史主义由来已久。从波普尔的著作来看,可以追溯到古希腊时代。赫拉克里特是第一个具有鲜明历史主义观点的人,他把世界看成庞大的垃圾堆,一切事物 时时刻刻都在发生变化,是运动的。柏拉图是集大成者,他承认了变化,并宣称历史必然是向着某一个方向进展,但是他认为变化...
评分我阅读波普尔的经历 去年十月读到刘擎先生著的《悬而未决的时刻——现代性论域中的西方思想》(新星出版社2006年10版),其中有一章是论述波普尔,第十章《波普尔与决定论的终结》,印象十分的深刻。之所以这样说,除了刘擎先生浅白清晰的书写风格外,更多的是触及到了我原初阅...
评分暗无天日的牢房,年迈的他缓缓举起酒杯,这是他钟爱的国家赐他的毒酒。 有人劝他屈服,他拒绝了;有人怂恿他逃到国外,他拒绝了。 卡尔•波普尔说“苏格拉底可能欢迎那次审判,使他有机会证明他对城邦的无限忠诚。” 为了见证他对国家的忠诚,他接受国家的审判,即使国家给他...
评分我阅读波普尔的经历 去年十月读到刘擎先生著的《悬而未决的时刻——现代性论域中的西方思想》(新星出版社2006年10版),其中有一章是论述波普尔,第十章《波普尔与决定论的终结》,印象十分的深刻。之所以这样说,除了刘擎先生浅白清晰的书写风格外,更多的是触及到了我原初阅...
The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025