图书标签: 小说 悲惨世界 Victor_Hugo 法国 英文版 Miserables 雨果 经典
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(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) It has been said that Victor Hugo has a street named after him in virtually every town in France. A major reason for the singular celebrity of this most popular and versatile of the great French writers is "Les Miserables "(1862). In this story of the trials of the peasant Jean Valjean--a man unjustly imprisoned, baffled by destiny, and hounded by his nemesis, the magnificently realized, ambiguously malevolent police detective Javert--Hugo achieves the sort of rare imaginative resonance that allows a work of art to transcend its genre. "Les Miserables "is at once a tense thriller that contains one of the most compelling chase scenes in all literature, an epic portrayal of the nineteenth-century French citizenry, and a vital drama--highly particularized and poetic in its rendition but universal in its implications--of the redemption of one human being.
维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802-1885),19世纪法国浪漫主义文学的代表人物。贯穿他一生活动和创作的主导思想是人道主义、反对暴力、以爱制“恶”。其文学创作有诗歌、小说、戏剧、政论、散文随笔以及文学评论,卷帙浩繁。代表作有长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》、《海上劳工》、《悲 惨世界》及《九三年》等。
Required reading by Doctor Li. Good story, but I missed out most of the information about French history.
评分这样就算读过了= =|
评分'I've bought your soul from the Devil, and have given it to God.' 书中最让我钦佩的是大主教的这一番话。
评分superb adventure// a powerful social document// a gospel of the poor and the oppressed in a world brutalized by poverty and ignorance
评分Required reading by Doctor Li. Good story, but I missed out most of the information about French history.
把上次买的《新悲惨世界》的dvd翻出来看了看,乌玛·瑟曼在里面演芳汀,其他人不认识。就叫乌玛版吧。 看了很不高兴,瞎改。最重大的失误是结尾。让沙威在冉阿让面前自杀,然后冉阿让欣喜地走向自由。 最喜欢的还是原来的法德意版,有上译配音的那个,非常忠于原著(我觉得比原...
评分□任晓雯 1815年10月初,法国南部小镇迪涅。一个光头长须、肩扛布袋、手提粗棍的异乡人,敲开了卞福汝主教的家门。这天他已走了十二法里路,沿途受尽辱骂与恐吓。阿尔卑斯山的夜风,刺过衣裤的破洞,从四面八方袭击他。他有一张黄色身份证(当时带有前科、案底的假释证明),...
评分从题目就看出来了,这个其实并不是书评,只是关于书中两个青年群体形象的一点感想罢了。 不过既然放在书评这里,还是先啰嗦几句,供准备读这部书的朋友参考一二。 1.这是我读过的做好的一部小说,没有之一。当然,我也非常欣赏我国的《红楼梦》,不过这两部小说实...
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