Wuthering Heights (Oxford World's Classics) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Echoing the original World's Classics series, this title is one of an initial batch of 6 mini hardbacks produced to gift book standard with stitched binding, head and tail bands, printed on 60msg paper and featuring matt laminated jackets in a retro look design. Joyce Carol Oates provides an introduction to one of the greatest novels in English literature, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Joyce Carol Oates's most recent novel is The Heart Laid Bare (June 98, Dutton), the tale of a New England confidence man who teaches his children the tricks of his trade, a tragic 20th century family epic crammed with ideas and American history.
荒野中,一位少女独自走着。 狂风将她那棕色的长发吹向脑后,朴素得几乎破旧的衣裙裹着那瘦弱的身躯。 一双神秘而热情的眼睛照亮了她本不出众的面庞,使她整个人散发出一种圣徒般的光芒。 她停下来,伫立在风中的荒原。 希克厉! 她的灵魂呼喊道。 我的爱人!我的灵魂!你在哪...
评分在读到呼啸山庄的前几章的时候,我不禁感叹一声,这呼啸山庄里住着的,都是一群疯子么? 最初对《呼啸山庄》感兴趣,是在王安忆老师的《王安忆小说讲稿》上对其内容和评价的探讨。那个时候我对于名著的兴趣,也就是停留在看一看简介,也能初步了解书的内容的层面,毕竟名著这么...
评分尼采在悲剧的诞生一文里列举了两种艺术类型:日神式的和酒神式的。 日神额冠博带,面孔端庄,体相雍容,阿波罗的生活是标准的贵族生活,一种均衡的,不剧烈的,完满的生活。一种清醒,理智,有风骨的生活。日神式的艺术也是古典主义的标准艺术,一种宫殿气息的艺术...
评分2010.7.28 A strange thing happened when I was reading this book. Obviously, the writing itself was powerful and the book, a page turner. But as I was reading it, I never thought of those characters to be real. Neither could I relate to them, nor did I a...
评分在听涅磐的where did you sleep last night,爱死了这样的暗沉的歇斯底里。我想到了那个外表暗沉却有着排山倒海般深情的希斯克里夫,这首歌是不是特别适合他?多少个他辗转反侧的黑夜,他最想对着他心爱的凯瑟琳说的,应该就是这句话吧? 记得甫上大学时,刚刚摆脱了沉重学业...
Wuthering Heights (Oxford World's Classics) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025