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Birthday Stories -- Selected and Introduced by Haruki Murakami pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Birthday Stories, edited by Haruki Murakami, is a slight dose of morphine for those who are waiting for the English translation of his latest novel, Kafka on Shore. This "timeless anthology" of short stories brings the readers to see birthdays at different angles. There are sober birthdays, and also sweet ones. Stories are selected to provide a wide range of writing styles, from contemporary writer Andrea Lee and Ethan Canin to the famous Raymond Craver, Paul Theroux and Murakami himself. Personally, my favourite picks in the book include: "The Moor" by Russell Banks (a man meeting a woman accidentally on her birthday thirty years later and a love affair involving an age difference of decades is revisited); "Timothy's Birthday" (about how Timothy draws away from his parents after his homoosexual partner died in the previous year); "The Birthday Cake" by Daniel Lyons (a mother who insists on not giving away a cake for their children who are not coming home for celebration); "The Bath" by Raymond Craver (the parental worries on concern on the car accdient of their beloved birthday son; the ending is particularly thought-provoking) and "Close to the Water's Edge" by Claire Keegan (an eminent Harvard student failing to change his lifestyle on his birthday).
The first book I picked up by Ethan Canin was his collection of short stories called The Palace Thief. His writing style already haunted me at that time. What amazes me more in his "Angel of Mercy, Angel of Wrath" is his fast-paced plot and the delicate treatment of the psychology of a paranoid and ignored birthday mother. The dialogues are simple but powerful, short by revealing.
Let's talk about the dose of Murakami morphine. His story "Birthday Girl" is simple and consise to bring out the message that no matter what we wish on our birthdays, we are still what we are. Wishes for a change in fact do not, or cannot, change anything at all". This is similar to the everything-happens-for-a-reason theory in Wild Sheel Chase. The birthday girl in the story does not tell the narrator what she wished on her 20th birthday. Does it matter? Her life still goes on like normal.(Remind me of the ending shot in Lost in Translation!)
This anthology is a fast-read. All the stories in the anthology are very solid, nothing pretentious. It is definitely one of the books you may pick out if you have no dates on the forthcoming birthday - a great birthday companion. What should be mentioned here is the poem (or lyrics?) written by Paul Simon at the beginning of the anthology - "Have a good time". How many of us really had a good time on our past birthdays? Or how many of us expected so? Will we have a (un)happy birthday next year? We don't know. But the characters in the stories tell us that they have something to grasp on theirs - the readers.
白话文运动期间,新诗满天飞。试录其中一句曰:匹克尼克到江边。这是胡适同志歪诗一首,把picnic野餐一词直接音译成了"匹克尼克"令人忍俊。 译著作品和外文原本作品之间的关系大家已经讨论过很多回了。关于同一部书,不同译者对其的解读也引起了很多争论。拿村上文学来举例,...
評分本想待到生日月再拆,想想作罢,形式感过度会变矫情,本身人已经够矫情的啦!哈! 捧起红色封面的《生日故事集》,平白联想起红白封面的杜鲁门·卡波特的《圣诞忆旧集》,同是小小的开本。不过那本由于同样的矫情原因,还在书柜一角等待不知哪年圣诞会突如其来的宠幸。 村上...
評分(刊于《经济观察报》2015年10月26日第39版观察家·书评) 文/俞耕耘 说起生日,它虽然只是一个关于自身,富于纪念的历史时刻,然而却使记忆与愿景共存,欢乐与感伤同在。因为,生日总是既关乎生命原点的追溯,又不断切近死亡的标记。村上春树,这位兼具严肃性与畅销性的作家...
Birthday Stories -- Selected and Introduced by Haruki Murakami pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024