圖書標籤: 法學 法律 英國 香港 港版 港颱版 生活 2013
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◎2011年最佳政治書,Orwell Prize得主。Non-Fiction暢銷書。
◎彭定康形容為:雅俗共賞的經典之作。可以一讀再讀 。
◎作者Tom Bingham是英國前資深上院法官(former senior Law Lord),於2010年離世。原先是演講稿,後成書交Penguin齣版。
這本書的好處是,它不是一本法律書。這是一本寫給大傢看的書,用簡明、強而有力的文字,嚮讀者解釋‘法治’的意義,以及對現代社會每一個人的重要性。大傢都應該看看這本書。──Shami Chakrabart(英國牛津布魯剋斯大學名譽校長)
湯姆.賓漢(Tom Bingham),1933-2010,曾任英國上訴法院民事庭首席大法官、高等法院刑事庭首席大法官和上議院首席大法官。2006年,賓漢獲劍橋大學邀請,擔任法律學院大衛‧威廉斯爵士講座的嘉賓。
評分把一個較為深刻而宏觀的主題,講得深入淺齣並不容易,這本書做得很不錯,很多論點越琢磨越有味道。印象最深的一句話: 原文:Getting its history wrong is part of being a nation 直譯:誤解曆史,實乃國傢存在之一部分 意譯:信念比真相更有影響力
This is my first professional book on law. Why i will take this book? Because one time, Professor Y asked us a question: Do you know what's the different between the rule of law and the rule by law? This question encourage me go through this book. Although ...
評分This is my first professional book on law. Why i will take this book? Because one time, Professor Y asked us a question: Do you know what's the different between the rule of law and the rule by law? This question encourage me go through this book. Although ...
評分This is my first professional book on law. Why i will take this book? Because one time, Professor Y asked us a question: Do you know what's the different between the rule of law and the rule by law? This question encourage me go through this book. Although ...
評分This is my first professional book on law. Why i will take this book? Because one time, Professor Y asked us a question: Do you know what's the different between the rule of law and the rule by law? This question encourage me go through this book. Although ...
評分从法制到法治,只差一字,有什么区别? 法制和法治,一字之差,却有天壤之别。法制( Rule by law ),是一个政治实体的法律制度;讲究有法必依,执法从严,但守法的范围可大可小。任何社会均可推行法制,商秧之秦、纳粹德国都是法制典范之国。所谓的“依法治国”,实际上追求...
法治 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025